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Bakugo POV (it will be his POV for the whole story and Shoto doesn't have his scar yet)
"The first time I saw your eyes was at the park...I was 6,
I was with Deku and some friends I've long since forgotten over the years maybe we were friends out of fear, me of being alone and them of getting bullied. Out of the corner of my eye I saw red, whipping my head around only to lock eyes with a boy no older then 5. The first thing I saw was a small frown etched on his face, but it wasn't the kind of frown that you force when you're annoyed it looked normal as though he wasn't capable of showing any other expression. The second thing I noticed was his abnormal hair, red and white. And lastly I noticed the one thing that had been nagging me since I caught a glimpse of them: his eyes. One a bright blue, not too pastel to be considered light but not shaded enough to be considered dark. It was the perfect blue, as in the one that you look at and go "This is blue" not light, not dark, not navy, not sky, not neon, just blue. Maybe it was made up of thousands of different shades that were blended together to make this masterful sapphire orb that was looking at my ruby red ones. His other eye much less interesting but beautiful and mysterious nonetheless. It was gray not an ugly gray but an inviting one. It was like a cloud murky but soft, foggy but clear like a small pearl that hid a hundred secrets. His eyes had a small shine to them, a glimmer of hope and excitement that made them all the more enchanting. They- "KACCHAN! What are you doing?" Stupid Deku!!! "SHUT UP NERD IM NOT DOING ANYTHING" I stomped back to my friends with Deku following close behind. A few minutes later I directed my gaze back to where the boy previously stood but now he was nowhere to be seen. Over the years the memory of his general face became more and more distant until it was nothing but a blur however I could never forget those magnificent eyes, the ones I fell in love with.

His eyes (3+1) (Bakutodo)Where stories live. Discover now