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I was close to wrapping up my speech so I peered over my paper to observe the crowd looking at me. There was not a single person who wasn't crying or at least trying their damndest not to. I redirected my gaze to the coffin placed not 6ft away. It was open but it wouldn't have made a difference, his eyes would still be closed. I inhaled and continued. "Sometimes I wonder if I had reacted, if I had asked him what he meant, if I had followed him to his room I could've realized just how desperate he was. I realize now that his words meant something else. He wasn't saying that he hated his eyes, he was saying that he hated himself, he always said that the eyes were the windows to the soul. If I had looked closer maybe I could've seen just how much he was in need of someone. Maybe we wouldn't be here, maybe he would be eating cold soba in the common room as I yelled at Deku for being an idiot with Mina filming us and yelling 'FIGHT' but we're here and maybe just maybe if I had looked closer I could've seen what his eyes were truly reflecting, what they had been begging for since I first saw them: help."

-The End-
I placed a bouquet of blue Lillies on his grave. What I would give just to see those eyes once more. Whether they were filled with,
love, joy, happiness—
annoyance, anger, guilt—
sadness, regret, tears.
They'll always be the loveliest eyes I have ever seen. The stone in front of me read:
Todoroki Shoto
2005-2021 (aged 16)
Cause of death: Suicide
A loved friend, brother, and son

✨-The End-✨

His eyes (3+1) (Bakutodo)Where stories live. Discover now