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      She awoke alone in bed. She should be used to being alone by now, right?

Asher couldn't help but remember the days when her mother's face would be the first thing she saw in the morning. She'd smile and coax her out of bed with the promise of breakfast.

Asher cried in the shower.

She couldn't remember the last time she had cried over her mother like that. It's then she realized she missed her, was still grieving the loss of her and any potential of a relationship.

Asher didn't even bother putting on makeup, she tugged on a pair of leggings and a Bailey Sarian T-shirt before grabbing her bag and heading down the stairs.

The silence swallowed her whole as she reached the front door. She turned and looked around the entry way. So grand, but for who? There was nobody to enjoy it with her.

She chose the BMW, feeling as though it matched how her soul felt today. Black as night.

Asher walked in silence towards Riverdale High, ignored a friendly shout of her name

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Asher walked in silence towards Riverdale High, ignored a friendly shout of her name. Locked the Beamer while she walked, not daring to look back.

Fangs tilted his head at the red head, "What was that?"

Toni didn't understand the change in attitude either. She worried for the girl.

"Are you surprised? She's a Northsider, she's not gonna talk to you around her people." Sweets tried to convince himself in anger.

Toni hit him in the chest before she started jogging towards the small girl. Fangs turned to face him.

"Why are you acting like this? She's really nice, Sweet Pea. I know you feel something for her so stop acting like an idiot. She could be great for you!" Fangs yelled at his tall friend ignoring the hard glare he received.

"And you think I'd be any good for her?" His insecurity showed through his comment. Fangs frowned at his comment.

"Yes, now come on. We're gonna be late."

Asher stared at Toni as she stood in front of her, "What's wrong?"

Asher couldn't speak again. The realization of this made her chest rise and fall quickly. She tried to blink away the growing emotion in her eyes.

Toni still stared at the girl for a second before she bolted, right back out the front doors Toni had chased after her from.

Fangs noticed her first, bolting from the stairs and back towards her car. "Asher!"

He turned after her but Sweets was always faster than him. Sweets was besides her in seconds, quickly he wrapped his arms around her to stop her. He noticed quickly she was crying.

"What's wrong? What happened?" She looked up at him with irritation.

"Let me go! It has nothing to do with you!" She attempted to twist out of his grip but failed miserably.

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