Chapter 4: Trying to Figure Things Out

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The raven haired teen found himself at his locker, pulling out stuff he would need to take home as he kept replaying the events over and over in his head, trying to make sense of what happened...

'How is it I was able to do that? Nothing like this has ever happened... so why now?'

"Ok what the heck was that?" was the very first thing Ash heard since he ran off as he turned around and saw both Gary and Ethan looking at him in confusion and slight awe

"What was what?" Ash asked in a monotone. He really didn't want to have this conversation at the moment. What could he even say? Heck, he didn't even understand what had happened; less knows how to explain it!

"Don't play dumb, Ash! Everyone outside saw you complete a freaking military level course in only 7 minutes! And to top it all off, you did it while blindfolded!" Gary exclaimed with Ethan trying to calm the teen down, but failing to do so as both didn't notice Ash's shaking form

Both teens jumped surprised when Ash suddenly slammed his locker closed "What do you want me to say Gary? I don't know what happened or how it happened either"

"You don't know? What do you mean you don't know?" Gary questioned as his patience with his friend was starting to wear out

Ash, seeming to have reached his limit with the questioning just exploded "Look I can understand your reaction and curiosity, but when I said I don't know... it means I don't know! Don't you think for a second that if I had any idea what just happened, I wouldn't have already said something! You're looking for answers I can't give you, so stop bothering me and just leave me alone!"

Both watch as the raven haired teen runs off in the opposite direction, not taking note of another figure following after him discreetly as Gary sighs in defeat and drops to the ground while placing his hands onto his head

"You can't just question him as if he were some science experiment or a prisoner" Ethan said, finally speaking as the brown haired teen looked up at him

"I wouldn't have had to if he had just given me some kind of an answer"

At this Ethan sighed and rolled his eyes "He did give you one though. He said he didn't understand or know what occurred back out there. I mean look at it from his point of view, if something like that had happened to you and you were being questioned for something you had no answers to, wouldn't you have reacted the same way"

"... I guess you're right... again. Great, now I'm going to have to apologize won't I?" Gary said in a voice that seemed to dread the thought of having to do so

"Be happy Ash isn't as scary as the Dark Knight is. Hmm wonder how the Boy Wonder survives at times... maybe I'll get my answer through you" Ethan joked, only to get hit with a crumpled up piece of paper as a response

Meanwhile Ash found himself sitting in the drama room, one of the few rooms that are always empty after school. He sighed staring at his hands with a blank look. No matter how hard he tried to think of an answer, all his mind could come up with was nothing... it's like whatever it was he did, was buried deep within him and had no intention of revealing itself just yet

Suddenly Ash felt an unfamiliar sensation course through him as he could feel someone making their way over towards the drama room. The teen just stood up, ignoring the sensation and moved slightly closer towards the shadows as the door opened up

"Ash?" a familiar female voice said, making the teen relax slightly that it wasn't Gary... he wasn't in any mood to talk with him just yet, but knew they would need to later on unfortunately

"What are you doing here? Come to question me like Gary and anyone else dying to know what happened, May?"

The brunette shook her head "As much as I'd like to know, I can tell you don't have any answers and I'm not going to pressure you into giving me any either. No, the real reason I came here was to check up on you"

Ash stared at her slightly surprised. Here was a girl, he had told to stay away from him in fear that she would get teased or suffered, yet she didn't care at all and had followed him all the way here just to check if he was alright or not. If he were to be honest, he was actually sorta happy she was here... not that you would ever hear him say it out loud that is

"Ash?" he heard again as he found May really close to him "You spaced out there for a while... are you sure, you're alright?"

"What? Yes. I'm fine, just thinking about some stuff is all" he said as May nodded, but Ash could tell she didn't really seem to believe him

"Look, I'm sure you'll figure out what's going on sooner or later. Just remember you don't have to do this on your own. After all, you've seen the Justice League and how they work with their own partners too" May said as Ash raised an eyebrow at this. He didn't expect May to be a superhero fan girl... made him sorta wonder who her favourite was

"Yet Lucario himself has neither a partner nor works with the League" he countered with a slight smirk as he saw the brunette open and close her mouth at trying to return with a come back

"Alright point taken, but I'm sure it's cause he hasn't found the right person to become his partner and as for not joining the League... well I don't know really in that case. Anyway, I just want you to know that you have people on your side, willing to help you out if you need it... and besides, I'm sure Gary didn't mean whatever he said and is waiting to apologize to you"

At this Ash laughed "You May Maple, have just made my day turn from annoyed and bad to pleasure and good. Gary hates having to apologize and it's always funny whenever he tries to... but I guess I'll have to apologize too for exploding on him" he explained after seeing May's confused look "And also thanks... for someone who got told to stay away, you sure are helpful and persistent too"

"You really think I would be that easy to get rid of. Nope, I plan on fighting my way into your group of friends whether you like it or not" she boldly stated with hands on her hip

"Challenge accepted. I still say you would be better off without interacting with me, but I can't control you" he told her as he thought back to a similar moment and sighed at the déjà vu "I will tell you this though... it took me awhile to accept Dawn, since she had more reason to stay away from, but let's see if you can beat her" Ash said, seeing the brunette smile as both teens exist the drama room only to come face to face with Dawn, Gary and Leaf

Knowing that both Ash and Gary needed a moment to talk and sort out their problem from before, May and Dawn left the two boys after a moment of quiet followed. Leaf on the other hand stood to the side, knowing better than to get between them both and waited as she played on her phone

Author's Note: We have another AdvanceShipping moment! While Ash may have told her to stay away, May isn't one to back down as seen here when they interact with one other and it seems Ash is warming up to her... will they finally become friends or not? Also I finally mentioned the Justice League, Batman and Robin from DC as well as the hero from Viridian City; Lucario too. Also sorry if you don't like the fight between Ash and Gary, but I needed them to have a disagreement of sorts and that was what came to mind.
Next chapter will feature Ash, Gary and Leaf running into some sort of trouble while trying to get home

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