Chapter 11: The Calm before the Storm

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"I met Lucario yesterday"

Dawn and May held their mouths open, Leaf dropped her book that she had been reading and Gary looked just about ready to explode. None of them could comment due to Ash speaking up again

"It was after school, and I wasn't in any hurry to get home after interacting with the she-devil... I heard an explosion probably around the corner and saw a big crowd huddled together. I mean I know I shouldn't have run towards the explosion, but curiosity and all that" he said, playing around with his spoon and sighed

The group kept quiet, with Leaf having placed an apple in Gary to make sure he wouldn't interrupt. After a few minutes Ash continued with his story, the group once again having their full focus on the teen... it wasn't everyday someone they knew met a superhero!

"Another explosion was heard from above. I remember looking up and seeing various pieces of rubble falling. Everyone panicked, with me being knocked to the ground as a result. I tried to move, but my body won't listen... I actually thought I was going to die and wanted it to be fast" at this everyone at the table tensed at how close to death their friend had gotten

"When nothing happened, I saw Lucario standing there in front of me with a blue shield surrounding us. I could hardly believe it was actually him and I swear I looked shocked" Ash finished, leaving out the part about what happened when the two made contact

"How lucky are you! If I had known I would've been able to meet Lucario if I had gone with you... I wouldn't have gone over to my cousin's house" Gary cried out in despair

"Must have been hard to not go full on fanboy at him, huh Ash?" Leaf asked with a smirk as the raven-haired teen blushed and scratched his cheek in embarrassment

"Lucario is Ash's favourite?" May asked, turning to see the raven-haired teen trying to hide his face

Leaf and Dawn both nodded at this with May taking a mental note on that

"Yup! He's like a huge fanboy when it comes to Lucario. I swear his room has a lot of hero merchandise!" Gary added in and Ash really wanted this conversation to be over

"My favourite hero would have to be Wonder Woman" Dawn said, deciding to drive the conversation away from Ash

"Black Canary" Leaf stated with a shrug, she wasn't that into heroes... but she had to admit that the heroine could kick some serious butt

"Lucario and Flash! Those two are the best in my book" Gary said leaning on the table

Although she was embarrassed at her choices, May still answered with a sigh "Green Lantern and, you wouldn't have expected this, but Batman too"

Soon the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over as all the students packed their belongings and started making their way to class. Dawn and Leaf made their way towards the history hall and Gary made his way over to math, meeting up with Ethan along the way

Ash and May were left alone as the two had the same class right after lunch. They were silent, not knowing what to say... it had been quiet awhile since Ash decided to stop being afraid and agreed to let May into his life as friends

"My parents have been bugging me like crazy to introduce them to all my friends. They've met Dawn and Lillie... I asked Gary and Leaf if they were interested and said that they would be glad to come over today... I was wondering if you were available tonight, my mom seems to really want to get to know you for some reason, maybe because I've talked about you quite a lot"

Ash looked surprised by this as May realizing what she said, started blushing like crazy

"You don't have to come if you feel uncomfortable though! I don't want you to think you're being forced to either" she said, trying to hide her face which was becoming even more red as the two entered their classroom and took their seats

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