✎ 🏷 . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ ✦ˎˊ˗ ꒰ 📎 ꒱three.

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two uneventful days passed until the awaited day was due. it's wednesday my dudes. aaAaAAaaAAh.

felix reminds us weekly with his usual cheerful message: tis wednesday, my fellow chaps 🐸 

i replied immediately: so it seems, my dear gentleman 

chan and seungmin were coming home in the afternoon, so i had an hour or so to make lunch for them in advance. i tried to think of ways to ask him, for the party. the boys are convinced he'll agree, but i'm kinda worried about his reaction. he's always had an extremely protective and loving nature, especially since we've been living alone. i love that about him—he gives the warmest hugs imaginable—and i wouldn't ever want him to ever change. 

i'm probably overthinking things anyway, as usual. 

making sure not to burn myself on the grill, i started preparing the chicken satay. i'm not that good at cooking. i always try my best for chan, but there have been a couple of mishaps and accidents. i'm surprised seungmin hasn't banned me from using the kitchen yet. 

as i was serving up, i heard a knock on the oak door and moments later the couple traipsed into the living room, dropping bags and coats onto the floor and sofa. 

i sauntered into chan's arms and he hugged me tight, mumbling "hey bubs" into my ear. i felt so warm and safe, like nothing bad would ever happen to me, as long as chan was here.

"hi," i replied, "i made lunch!"

"thanks innie," seungmin served the three plates of steaming chicken onto the dining table, and we tucked in. 

plates wiped clean of satay sauce with bread, i decided to shoot my shot, sooner rather than later. 

"chan hyung?" 

"yes? is everything alright?" he looked up from his conversation with seungmin, whilst they washed the dishes. 

"of course, i'm fine," i smiled, "i wanted to ask you if i could have a party here, maybe...say, next saturday?" 

"yeah, that's fine!" he nodded, "who would you invite?"

"yeah...i'm not really talking about a sleepover party or something with the boys, i'm talking more of like a...party like the ones you had when you were still in my school?" i fiddled nervously with the hem of my shirt.

"ooooh," he finally understood, "like a party party...is there any reason why? i mean, i'm not saying no, but i'm just curious. parties don't really seem like your thing."

"everybody at school misses your parties, and i want to have fun with the boys and meet new people," i smiled my best angel smile, knowing he wouldn't be able to resist. 

"would there be...alcohol?" seungmin asked, eyeing chan warily. 

"um...yeah?" i answered hesitantly, "but i wouldn't have any anyways, because i'm underage."

that answer seemed to satisfy them, and they nodded. "alright then. we're trusting you, jeonginnie. don't do anything silly and please, please don't get hurt," chan begged me.

"i promise channie," i nodded fervently and reached over to give him a hug. 

"you want lots of people to come, right? i'll post something on my instagram later on. next saturday," he double-checked and i nodded again. "that gives us time to prepare our big comeback," he smirked to seungmin. 

"i can't wait!" i squealed, and darted off to my room to tell my friends and do my homework. 

✎ 🏷 . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ ✦ˎˊ˗ ꒰ 📎 ꒱


it's your loving rat author

back at it again with the memes from before namjesus christ 

i hope you're taking care of michelangelo

how many lemons are you hand-feeding him per day? 

and have you been making him his morning shakes? 

*waits for you to reply in dora*

hAvE yOu fOuNd tHe miSsiNg iNgReDiEnT?


good good 

i see you're taking care of my comrade turtle

you can keep him for now

*i'm still watching you tho* 

i won't feed you to him i promise 

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