𓆩🍂𓆪∘(،🥭: twenty one.

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today was the day. 

today was the day justice would finally prevail, and all would be well. 

i was sitting at my bench, in the court room, wearing the fancy black shirt chan had ironed out for me today. across from where i was sitting, i could just peek at the top of yoongi's head from his surrounding of bodyguards. i was terrified at the thought of being in the same room as him since the incident, but this was essential. 

"order," the judge called out, and the room fell silent, "thank you. now, let us begin. how does the accused plead?"

"not guilty, your honour," yoongi's voice sliced through the air like a knife, plunging into my palpitating heart. 

"thank you," the judge replied promptly, "as the accused pleads not guilty, we will now begin the appropriate procedure of a trial. yang jeongin, you or your lawyer may speak in your defense."

seungmin stood up before i could even react: "thank you, your honour. i'll now leave the floor to the claimant, who will certainly have a better recollection of the events than i do."

he nodded to me as he sat back down, and i stood up in turn. 

"yang jeongin, can you tell me exactly what happened on the day you were assaulted. do not omit any detail, or that will certainly be used against you."

"thank you, um, your honour," i stumbled over the words, my tongue thick and heavy with nerves, "i-i was walking out of class with my friend, and then i had to get my lunch from my locker. my friend had to leave for s-something...i can't remember exactly what, but um, i was so busy getting out my stuff from my locker that i hadn't noticed y—the accused behind me. he restrained me against my locker w-with his hands and after that with a forearm against my throat. and t-that's when he started touching me..."

the judge nodded, leafed through a couple of papers and looked back up to me. "i'm told that the accused did not penetrate you in any shape or form, is that correct?"

"yes, your honour," i nodded. 

"bring forth the witness ," the judge proclaimed, "hwang hyunjin, right?"

"yes, your honour. i was walking down the corridor when i saw jeongin getting sexually assaulted by the accused, so i couldn't just stand there, i had to do something. so i punched the accused to get him off of jeongin."

"hwang hyunjin, are you aware that this act of violence is viewed as a misdemeanour in this court, and that you could face serious charges for you actions?"

"yes, your honour, i am," hyunjin held his head up high, gaze unwavering, stance strong. 

"your honour, if i may speak," seungmin stood up, holding up a file. 


"requesting authorisation to present the inculpatory evidence," seungmin went on. 

"granted," the judge held out a hand to take his file and seungmin complied. 

the judge slid the usb key into their computer and projected the video onto a large screen overhead. audible gasps were heard from the audience at the sight of the evidence. 

"defendant, do you or your lawyer have anything say in your defense?" the judge questioned, picking up the hammer on the desk. 

"no comment," yoongi simply said, eyes shooting sparks of defiance. 

"i hereby find the accused guilty of sexual assault of a minor, and sentence them to 15 years in a federal prison, and a fine of 5 million ₩. another 5 years of detention will be added to your sentence for perjury in a government court. this case is officially closed, the charges of assault towards hwang hyunjin are invalid as it was an act of defense of yang jeongin. court dismissed," the judge proclaimed, slamming the hammer down onto the table. 

"we did it!" chan threw himself at me, squeezing the living daylights out of me, and he was promptly joined by seungmin, who looked like he was going to cry tears of pure joy. 

"thank you," i hugged them both, "thank you so much!"

"it's the least we could do," seungmin smiled, ruffling my hair and placing a kiss on it. 

hyunjin's eyes landed on mine, and he gave me a nod. my heart was beating so fast and my head was spinning out of control, but i extracted myself from chan and seungmin's arms, and went over to hyunjin. 

"i'm glad every—

i engulfed him into a hug, and it took him a few seconds to register my arms around his waist and to wind his around my own shoulders. 

"thank you," i repeated over and over again, "thank you for doing this. thank you for taking that risk, thank you for everything!"

"you're welcome, sweet pea," i could hear the smile in his voice, and my eyes confirmed that when  i looked up at him. 

"thank you," i couldn't stop saying it, the words were addictive. 

"jeongin," hyunjin's voice halted my mantra, and i stopped immediately, "will you go out on a date with me?"

"i..." i laughed nervously, "i—uh yeah! y-yeah i'd like that..."

"that's great! i'll let you know when," he released me from the embrace, and i darted off after waving goodbye, "see you!"

"why are you growing up so fast!" chan whined, crossing his arms, "look at you, so cute with your little boyfriend! you're going to be taller than me soon!" 

"i am," i corrected him with a snarky smirk, "and, what the heck, hyunjin's not my boyfriend."


"i'm one centimetre taller than you," i announced proudly. 


"that's right, channie!"

"hmm okay." i guess he was going to let this one slide, just because today was a good day. 

"hey look," i pointed to seungmin, who was fervently nodding at the judge with a massive grin plastered across his face. when the ecstatic puppy came running back to us, he couldn't stop making like happy noises. 

"the judge just said she'd put in a good word in for me in uni!" he squeaked, tugging on chan's sleeve excitedly, face beaming to the point where even his eyes were smiling. 

"cute," chan kissed his cheek, winding his arms around our shoulders as we walked back to our car, "let's go home."


double update bc i'm such a—

no i actually let this chapter sit in my drafts for a couple of days before working up the motivation to try to make the chapter look more aesthetic 

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