ᦔ🌌☡'◡🗝◠*twenty two.

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hyunjin had picked the perfect day for our date: the sun was shining brighter than ever, the sky was clearer and bluer than the sea before us. the azure slate was pleated with waves that billowed and tumbled onto the glittering shore.

once chan and seungmin had driven us all the way from our house to the nearest beach, we wasted no time basking in the late afternoon sun, eyes creased in bliss. youthful giggles from the other families filled the air, and seagulls dubiously watched our every move from a safe distance. 

"who wants snacks?" seungmin rummaged through a beach bag, "we've got crisps, sweets, cookies, chocolate, peanuts, brownies that i made earlier and chan and i are going to order pizza for later on, do you think that's enough food?"

"oh yeah, that's way more than enough, thanks minnie," i gave a bright grin, and he returned it immediately. 

"sweet pea," hyunjin nudged me gently, "i'm going for a swim, wanna join me?"

hopping to my feet, i followed him to the water's edge, shells and pebbles crackling underfoot. i gasped as the freezing water lapped at my toes, and i turned to see hyunjin's eyes sparkling mischievously. 

"don't splash m—

with a cackle, hyunjin scooped me up into his lanky arms and charged the waves head-on. after a few wobbly steps, his whole body jolted forward, sending us both tumbling into the water. i surfaced a heartbeat later, spluttering at the salty tang. 

"hyunjin," i wheezed, clinging onto him for dear life. the shock of the cold had left me shivering, goosebumps dusting my bare skin.

"i'm here, innie," he squeezed my hand, "i just tripped on a rock, that's all."

hyunjin's cheeks were flushed golden with the setting sun's glow, and time almost seemed to slow as i admired his divine beauty. this man was undoubtedly crafted by something other than faith, or hope. he was designed by nature, the epitome of creation, of all life on earth. 

in other words, he's fucking gorgeous. 

"why are you looking at me like that? jeongin?"

i inhaled another mouthful of salt when hyunjin splashed me to my senses. 

"i-i just think you're really pretty," i spoke hesitantly at first, then added more confidently, "actually, i've never met anyone as handsome as you in my entire life, like really, you're fucking perfect beyond words."

"not to be cheesy or anything, but i think you're much more beautiful than i'll ever be," hyunjin answered, taking me into his arms again, calming my shivers.

"what do you mean, "nOt tO bE cHeEsY oR aNytHinG" that's the cheesiest, sappiest, most un-hyunjin thing i've ever heard in my life!" 

hyunjin chuckled softly at that, and i couldn't help but smile at the sight of his face, light up by something that i'd said. i wanted to be the only thing that he'd laugh at for the rest of his days, i wanted to bathe in that melodic sound forever. 

"you're so cute," he mumbled, tying his long hair with a hairband, then untucking a couple of strands to frame his face, "when you look at me like that."

"like what?"

"you're doing it right now!" he smiled wider, not once breaking eye contact. 

we looked down at our entangled legs and arms, faces heating up at the close proximity, my heart rate soaring when he placed a soaked hand on the side of my neck, his thumb overlapping onto my jawline. 

"can i kiss you?" his voice barely rose over the sound of the waves, a whisper uttered with not a single regret or mark of hesitation in his tone. 

"in front of all these people?" i murmured nervously, and he nodded, still maintaining eye contact as he extricated his arms from around my waist and lay them onto my shoulders.

"take a deep breath, in three, two, one!" 

hyunjin pushed us down into the water, submerging us completely. despite the initial sting, my eyes didn't hurt too much from opening them underwater, and i could see hyunjin floating less than a foot away from me. i leaned closer, clutching onto his waist as bubbles fizzed all around us, and he pulled me towards him and captured my lips with his.

my hands slid to his shoulders and his surrounded my waist, keeping us pressed together in the cold water. hyunjin's plush lips danced against mine, and i did my best to reciprocate the motions, my core jubilant to the new sensations. 

the kiss didn't last very long, as we both had to burst to the surface to catch our breaths. spread-eagled like starfishes, we let the water buoy us despite the gentle lilt of the waves, panting and heaving with the silliest smiles on both our faces. 

"was that okay? are you..."

"it was perfect," i stopped him quickly, before he could make the silence any more awkward, "for a first kiss, it was everything i could've ever dreamt of."

"that was your first kiss? you've never kissed anyone before? i mean, apart from your parents and channie and seungminnie!" hyunjin swam towards me, his smile ecstatic. 

"yeah, it was," god, this boy makes me so damn nervous for no reason, and my heart feels like it could spontaneously combust at any given moment, "but i'm glad it was you."

"me too," he answered, his hair floating around his half-submerged head like a dark halo, or an ebony mane, "i'm glad it was you too, my sweet pea."

the last thing i saw that evening, right before my eyes drooped into a deep sleep, were my skater boy's eyes twinkling in night, the sensation of a soft kiss on the cheek, and a promise that tomorrow would be a beautiful day. 



well folks, this is it

i started this without any idea of how the plot would work, i literally just had the idea of a skater crashing into someone else and then thought about how i could turn that into a fic for a skz ship 

i pretty much made it up as i went along, and sometimes that worked, other times it didn't. overall, i have mixed feelings over this book: 

- i'm glad i was able to actually finish it, even though i'm not entirely satisfied with the ending, or the complexity of the plot

- i have terrible commitment issues to writing so it was bound to be a short book from the start, but i did do my best 

- i feel like this book isn't really what i was hoping for in terms of quality in the writing, the style, the plot, the characters and their development 

- but i am working on other projects at the moment, and if i do manage to shape them up into something that i'm proud of publishing, then i definitely will

although this is the end of this book, expect more things to come from me, and hopefully i'll see you soon in a new book :) 

p.s: don't think this is the end of your caretaking responsibilities, i've still got my eyes on you and michelangelo :D 

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