⋆·˚ ༘ * 🔭𓂃☆🎇✦៸៸six.

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as soon as our eyes meet, the corner of his lips lift upwards in a minute smirk, and then he looked away, downing his drink. 

i rolled my eyes and headed towards the dance floor. i just needed to get my mind off of him, if only for a moment or two.

lip-syncing the lyrics, i let my body move and flow in all sorts of ways. it felt good to let go of all my worries, of all my doubts, of all my insecurities. i didn't care anymore if people were watching, of what they were thinking. i just let the music billow through my core and seep into my veins, invigorating me. 

when i came back to my senses, i noticed my skater boy was gone. good. 

chan came running towards me, an urgent expression on his worried face: "jeongin! come quick! someone has thrown themselves into the pool, can you go get towels for them?"

"s-sure," i ran up the stairs to my cupboard, and then sprinted out to the garden. 

of course it had to be him

loving the y/n life. not. 

i'm supposed to be avoiding him. however, i'm not an uncaring person. i hate to see people suffer when i can help them. 

so i lunged over to help him, wrapping him in the towels that i'd brought down with me. 

"can you manage by yourself, innie?" chan asked, whilst being dragged away by a grinning seungmin. 

"okay," i nodded, then turned back to him. 

he was cackling away, shaking his head in denial. he was drunk out of his mind. this was going to be harder then expected, especially if he was going to be uncooperative. 

i pulled him up by the armpits, and we staggered to a deck chair. he flopped onto it spread-eagled, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and mouth agape. 

"hey!" i smacked his cheek, jolting him to his senses, "what's your name?"

"heheee. most importantly, sweet pea, what's yoursss," he slurred, holding his hand out for a handshake. 

i swatted it away and attempted to dry his hair with a fluffy towel. "your name."

"hwang hyunjin," he licked his lips and drew a hand though his moist hair, "and you?"

the way he stared intensely into my soul made shivers trickle down my spine, and he seemed to know it. eyes gleaming, he analyzed me, my behavior, my body language. 

"yang jeongin," i replied curtly, and took off my fur coat to cover him with it. 

"can we go inside? it's freezing out here," he was shivering a little. 

"sure," i helped him up again and we stumbled through the house, up the stairs, and into my bedroom. 

i laid a towel out on the bed so he wouldn't soak it, and helped him onto it. 

"thanksss," he grunted, then winced, squeezing his eyes shut. 

"what's wrong?" i gasped, letting go of him immediately.

"gah..." he heaved, dragging in irregular breaths, "my head hurts."

"w-what am i supposed to do?" i screeched, this close to losing it. i was supposed to be having fun. i was supposed to be ignoring him. 

he giggled drunkenly, unbothered by my panicking, "heheheee, of course. i wooden spec you," he pointed at me, "to be here of all places. hm? watchu doin' here kitten? this your first party?" 

i didn't like the look on his face, or the flirtatious smirk plastered across it. 

"i'm chan's younger brother, that's why i'm here," i explained calmly, then ripped the coat off of him and draped it back into my shoulders. "get up. i'll walk you home."

"okeh, sweet pea," he struggled to stand up and stumbled down the stairs beside me, tripping over his own feet and falling flat on his face at the bottom. 

this is definitely going to be harder than expected.

⋆·˚ ༘ * 🔭𓂃☆🎇✦



i'm back in online class



i'm bored as heck

how was your day?

entertain me, fellow aliens

impress me with your knowledge 

but also

—gimme gimme oooh—

is stuck in my head 


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