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"where are you going?" i asked him as he crept out of bed. 

sunshine filtered through the curtains, lighting up stripes on hyunjin's face. 

"just to get some water," he rubbed his eyes, "i'm parched."

i quickly checked the time on my phone. "aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"i got suspended," he ran out, black locks bouncing. 

"hey!" i peeled back the covers and darted after him, feet tumbling down the stairs. "what for?" i yelled after him, chasing him to the kitchen. 

"fighting," he answered curtly, pouring himself a glass of water. 

"who did you fight? did you win?"

he took a long swill from his glass, set it down on the counter, and looked up at me. "i fought with yoongi again."

"oh," i murmured, checking him over, "are you hurt?"

"only my pride," hyunjin huffed, "i kind of wish i'd hurt him a little more, but he puts up a really good fight."

"i guess we're both off school then," i fiddled with the hem of my shirt, eyes nervously glued to the floor. 

"yeah," he nodded, gulping down another glass, "when is chan coming home again?"

"tomorrow night," i sighed, "i don't know about you, but i'm bored." 

"same here," hyunjin ruffled his hair, "by the way, can i use your shower?" 

"sure," i led him towards my bathroom, "i can lend you some of chan's clothes, if you want."

"oh, yeah," he nodded, "thanks."

i handed him the bundle of clothes and went to go get dressed in my own room. and because i'm a regular human being with common sense and my name isn't y/n, i actually locked my bedroom door, so no one could bust right in whilst i'm changing. 

i opened the doors of my wardrobe wide, contemplating what i should wear. an array of colourful clothes welcomed me, and my eyes flicked from the skirts, to the tops, to the casual clothes. i pulled out a t-shirt and sweatpants. it's not like i was going anywhere anyway, and i just didn't feel like wearing a skirt today. whilst i waited for hyunjin to clean up, i scrolled through my phone on my bed. chan and hyunjin were right: loads of my classmates were planning protests, the news of the incident had spread like wildfire. 

i heard a door unlock, and i heard hyunjin stepping out of the bathroom, a towel around his shoulders. shortly after, a rap from his knuckles resounded on my oak door. i unlocked the door as quietly as i could, wincing at the clunk sound, and let him in. his dampened hair was dripping droplets of water onto his towel, and chan's clothes fit him perfectly. 

he must've noticed me staring, and he opened his mouth to tease me about it—

the sound of the doorbell sliced through the air. 

my heart leapt to my throat, leaving a hollow feeling where it was supposed to be. hyunjin's head perked up immediately, his eyes swinging around the room. 

"hide," he said, and dashed out of my room. honestly, what is it with this man and running away from me.

"no!" i stopped him, "chan said to not answer it, no matter who it is!"

"you answered for me," he raised an arrogant eyebrow.

"that's because i knew it was you, i checked who it was before i opened the door."

"then let's do that," he continued striding down the stairs. 

"hyunjin wait," i tugged on his sleeve, my palms sweaty and my heart racing. 

"let's just check who it is," he didn't stop walking, so i ran in front of him and forced him to a stop.

"hyunjin, please," i begged him, eyes glassy, "i'm scared. i don't want to do this. let's wait for them to leave."

"we don't even know who it is yet, it might even be your friends, or chan coming home early!"

"i don't want—

"listen sweet pea, it'll be fine. i'll check who it is, and if i think it's safe, i'll answer. you don't have to do anything," he was already at the window, parting the curtains. 

he wasn't listening, no matter what i said.

i had to do what was safest for me, so i fled upstairs, into chan's room. his room was just as he'd left it, desk messy, bed half-made. i dove under the desk and hid there. i could hear hyunjin talking to someone downstairs, but i couldn't tell what they were saying. the muffled sounds kept resonating throughout the house, and soon enough it was blocked out by my shivers and heart pounding a beat into my eardrums. 

i heard footsteps shuffling their way towards me, and hands pulling me out from under the desk, and into a hug. i wriggled out of his grasp, shoving him away.

"how could you?" i whispered, tears pricking at my eyes. 

"it was a news reporter," he spoke with a calm, no, a cold tone, and his unwavering gaze latched itself onto mine.

i returned the stare defiantly, reining in my urge to burst into a hysterical fit of tears. come on, jeongin. you can't have two mental breakdowns in less than 24 hours. i took a deep breath, and swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

"you knew what chan had said about answering the door. you knew i was against it, that i didn't want to do it. you knew that i was scared, and yet you went against my will, in my own house. that news reporter could be in league with yoongi, or even—who knows—a mercenary, who would've shot me dead on sight. you knew how dangerous it was to open that door, but you still did it. you didn't even look at me when i tried to stop you, let alone listen."

"bro, chill," hyunjin put his hands up, a cocky smirk on his face, "the reporter just wanted to know if you could answer a few questions, to which i replied that you weren't available. no harm done."

"i think not you little trick ass bitch," i walked up to him, seething, backing him up against the wall, "you don't give two fucks, because you're not the one at risk of being kidnapped, or worse, killed. i thought we were friends, i thought trusting someone new wouldn't do any harm. but here we are. i'm going to give you two minutes to get your shit together and give me one reason why i shouldn't call the police. that, or you can just get the fuck out of my sight."

i had no idea where this confidence had come from, but i freaking loved it. 


well hello there 

i have exams coming up ✌️ 

so yeah

wish me luck i guess 🤡 

i had this song stuck in my head whilst writing this, that's why you got a maknae on top moment 

i just want to make edits of skz with this audio ughhh

*vibes in stressed* 


can we have a big fat chat about mayfly and just kingdom in general~ 

*vibes in even more stressed bc i have to go study*

but procrastination~ 

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