𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝

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kuboyasu aren turned out to be quick on his feet

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kuboyasu aren turned out to be quick on his feet.

to recap, neither kuboyasu nor kotoe was good at their studies. kotoe had always liked tennis better, and kuboyasu seemed to never pay any mind towards things that does not benefit him nor his future.

but kotoe liked how assertive he was when presenting his ideas for their five thousands words paper. he wasn't hesitant to say anything that comes to his mind—which she appreciated, considering how kotoe ran over every thoughts she ever had around fifty times to make sure they don't sound stupid.

it didn't help that he was sitting so close to her as well.

sitting side-by-side was heart thumping enough, and kotoe understood that he had to be close in order to see the materials. but their knees brushed a couple of times, and she couldn't help but held her breath every time it happened.

it's exhausting—on her heart, and on her mind as well.

"did inukami say to write our paper or type it out?" after awhile of working the engines of their minds, kuboyasu let go of the mechanical pencil in his hand and stretched his arms upwards. "can't remember—everything was a blur the day that he assigned the assignment."

kotoe followed his suit and dropped the pencil in her hand, placing her chin on her hand. she let out a small sigh, feeling like freedom was given to her after ages of thinking. "i can't remember as well. i'll ask inukami-sensei tomorrow."

kuboyasu shook his head, "that's okay, you've done so much. i'll ask."

she blinked, waves of warm flushed her cheeks. "no, it's okay," she stammered, "i mean—"

he stared at her for a moment, eyes assessing the embarrassed state that she was in before chuckling softly to his hand. "okay," he closed his eyes before peeking at her with one open. "what if we both go to him?"

letting out a breath of relief at the solution, kotoe felt the heat lingering on her face before nodding. "that'll be cool. we can do that."

the sun was creating a lovely glow on the sky, reflecting on the brims of kuboyasu's glasses and it reminded kotoe of the day of their first meeting. she didn't know who he was back then, and didn't care to savor the sight—but right now? if she could, perhaps she would have taken a picture of him.

"maybe," his voice leads to a suggestion as he rested one hand on the back of kotoe's chair. "we can stop working for the day?"

with his other arm laid on the table, only then did kotoe realized the way his body was built. perhaps not catering to a certain sports—like for instance, she was supposed to build her thigh and upper arm muscles most of all in order to make full use of her ace services when competing—and instead, like he just works out a lot with no particular purpose in mind. she watched as he breathed, shoulders rising and falling with every tick on the clock before looking away.

"sure," she muttered, flustered at the fact that she really did just stare at someone else's body for god knows how long. "the sun's barely set, though, so i think—"

and there it was.

the familiar ringing of her front door bell. it was like the beat of kotoe's heart stopped as she instinctively turned to look at the hall leading to the door.

but it couldn't be her father, she tried to calm herself down, he would have just barged in like he normally does. and it wasn't time for him to get out of work too. this person—whoever they were—was a guest.

kotoe tried to remember if she had ordered anything online as it could perhaps be the mailman. as she turned back, she could recognize a certain something on kuboyasu's eyes as he retracted his hand from her chair.

"i'll go—" she stood and rubbed her neck, "—get the door."

"yeah yeah," he answered shortly, looking away with a tint of red on his cheeks.

the smooth atmosphere they had managed to built had turned rather awkward, it wad quite a pity. actually, kotoe felt like punching whoever was on the front door waiting for the door to be opened. . .

. . .until she opened it and saw her older brother standing on the other side.

"nii—" she gasped. kuusuke was looking at the watch circled around his wrist, and when she called out to him, he looked up to give her the largest grin she had ever seen him doing. "nii-chan!"

kuusuke spread his arms and welcomed kotoe who came flying in his embrace warmly, laughing slightly. her mind was in scrambles, eyes wide in disbelief that her brother was right there, in japan.

she, in god's honest truth, couldn't remember the last time they see each other in person. sure, kotoe could find herself in a video call with kuusuke every now and then, especially if she have questions regarding her school work, but to be seeing each other flesh to flesh?

a sense of excitement ran through her veins, adrenaline pumping through her body as she unwillingly let go of their embrace.

"ko-chan," he let her down, and only then did kotoe notice the paper bag in his grip.

"you didn't tell me you were coming home," she scolded quietly, though the smile on her face was breaking free by the second. "if i had known you were coming, i would've done something!"

"yeah?" kuusuke asked, his head titled. "like what?"

kotoe didn't have the time, nor desire, to think of an answer. "anything! it's been so long since we saw each other, the least you could was tell me!"

kuusuke grinned softly, hand making their way to the top of kotoe's head. he shook her hair for a bit as they walked in the house after closing the door behind, "sorry sorry. if it'll make you feel better, i didn't tell mom either."

she huffed, pouting as kuusuke went to hug her in a headlock. "it doesn't—in fact, it pisses me off even more."

"s'that so?" he let go, before lifting his arm to present to her the paper bag he was holding. "well, i went to your favorite bakery, and—"

"mom bought me a blueberry cheesecake already!" she cut him off with her tongue sticking out.

"then," he continued shaking the bag in his hand nevertheless. "you don't want this?"

kotoe paused, the sudden thought of getting to have more cake filled her mind and she paused her steps just before entering the kitchen. "well. . ." she mumbled, ". . .on second thought. . ."

"i knew it," kuusuke sighed dramatically, pressing his palm against kotoe's head once more before heading towards the kitchen ahead of her. and then, similar to her, he immediately halt.

realization then struck kotoe—she had forgotten about kuboyasu after greeting her older brother with perhaps a little too much glee.

"nii-chan!" she hurried to his side only to find the kitchen filled with a certain animosity that she didn't recognize. kuboyasu was looking rather—or, very—uncomfortable, yet kuusuke only seemed to greet the situation with a lighthearted smile. "i forgot to tell you," kotoe tried to shrug off the odd feeling in her chest. "i have a friend over for a group project."

kuusuke's answer wasn't something that she was expecting.

"i know," he said, expression unmoving. "how are you doing, kuboyasu-kun?"

kotoe sighed in relief at the positive reaction her brother seemed to be giving.

"w-wait," she tugged on the sleeve of kuusuke's lab coat when she finally realized something. "how do you know his name?"

𝗢𝗢𝗚𝗢𝗘 𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗗────── k. aren x original characterWhere stories live. Discover now