𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥

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kotoe had been searching for the last tennis ball she owned ever since the last extracurricular bell rang

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kotoe had been searching for the last tennis ball she owned ever since the last extracurricular bell rang.

the day were getting dark, most of her members had gone home, but there she was crawling around still in her tennis wear, looking for the ball.


kotoe felt her knees bruising, palms splintering as she dug around the bushes, looking for the surely dirty yellow ball.

she groaned, falling on her butt after feeling her arms giving out, "where is that little—" she looked around, when a little round, yellow tennis ball were peeking at her around the corner of a campus building.

kotoe gasped quietly—finally! she quickly crawled towards it, but before she could even reach a certain hand reached out to it.

"ehh—?" she quickly turned her head to see whoever took the dirtied ball.

a boy with purple hair—ah, not just a boy! the new transfer student!

he squatted just against the wall with her ball on his grip—now, kotoe didn't want to point fingers but he looked very much like a gangster. . .

kotoe shivered at the thought. but then she shook her head, judging a book by its cover isn't something she should do!

"is this yours?" he asked nonchalantly, looking like he was studying her face very hard. she returned the same feeling with her gaze, watching his purple strands fall on his face, the sweet glow of the sunset softly reflecting on his skin.

kotoe blinked when he did, realising that she had probably stared at him for too long.

"a–ah?" her slender fingers took the ball, covered in mud, from his rough palm.

she tried recalling his name.

"thank you. . . kobayashi-kun was it?"

the boy with purple hair slanted his gaze, "it's. . . kuboyasu." he cleared his throat as kotoe filled the tip of her ears getting red from getting his name was wrong. he stood up, and kotoe followed his lead, "kuboyasu aren."

she nodded attentively, looking him up and down—she was going to definitely ask kusou about this later on!

"saiki kotoe," she smiled, using her other hand to offer a handshake. when kuboyasu took her palm in his, kotoe widened her eyes at how rough the touch was; and at how tight the grip he gave her hands were.

"ah, shit." he quickly pulled away, mindlessly staring at his hand before putting them away, "did i hurt you? are you okay?"

"no!" kotoe shook her hand, "it's fine! you're just really strong, kuboyasu-kun!"

at the praise, kuboyasu turned red.

it's not everyday that you get a girl as cute as saiki kotoe compliment you on how strong you are!

"i'm not really," he stammered a little, the rough facade on his face slowly melting off. "why aren't you home yet, saiki-san?"

she waved her hand, "i just finished practice. i was looking for this ball," she grinned. "what about you, kuboyasu-kun?"

the question seemed to caught him off-guard, as if he didn't expect her to return the chat. "i'm. . ." he hesitated, "familiarizing myself with the school. . . i guess."

an o shape appeared in her mouth.

"if you need any help, you can always ask me, kuboyasu-kun!" she smiled, "ah—though there's plenty of people to ask. i hope you enjoyed your first day here in pk!"

a surge of electricity flew down kuboyasu's spine—she's normal.

she's a normal kid, in this pk academy place.

she's normal. it's weird.

"i—" kuboyasu stuttered, "i will, definitely."

she nodded, pink cheeks perhaps because of the heat, "then, i'll get going." kotoe turned on her heels, "don't stay in late, okay, kuboyasu-kun?"

he nodded, absentmindedly waving is hand at her disappearing figure when a flash of thought appeared in his mind.

"ah, wait!" just as kotoe was about to turn to the tennis court, kuboyasu called out to her. "you're. . . you're saiki's sister, right?"

at the strange question, kotoe could only furrow her eyebrows and gave him a small smile. "well my name is saiki kotoe. . ?" her answer turned out to be a small question on its own.

she scratched her cheeks—well, she looked nothing like kusou so there's no doubt that confusions are bound to fly around.

kuboyasu let out a short gasp, "ah—i mean. well it was a stupid question." he rubbed the back of his neck, "nevermind, see you around then, saiki-san."

she tilted her head before waving, "yeah! see you around, kuboyasu-kun!"

𝗢𝗢𝗚𝗢𝗘 𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗗────── k. aren x original characterWhere stories live. Discover now