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now, when you look at kotoe and kusuo, you would be able to pin-point hundreds of differences between them

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now, when you look at kotoe and kusuo, you would be able to pin-point hundreds of differences between them. for example, the most striking difference were their hair color; while kusuo's was bright pink, kotoe's warm hair tone resembled their father. another thing is their whole. . . reputation at school. kotoe was popular for all the right reasons, and kusuo was for all the wrong ones.

basically, you wouldn't even be able to tell that they were related at first glance, moreover twins.

one particular difference was the existence of a box of television in kusuo's room, while kotoe's was mostly empty.

it wasn't like she particularly minded—she had always been sharing with kusuo ever since they were born. sharing coffee jelly, sharing blueberry cheesecakes, sharing beds, and more. and she understood that supporting her in tennis was no easy job, so kotoe was happy enough with a bed, a shelf, and a study desk for her room.

most nights, however, from eight to nine pm, she spent together with kusuo to watch their favorite bad drama that was currently airing. kotoe found comfort in the bad acting and kusuo prided himself in guessing the obvious storyline that all bad dramas has jotted down.

that night, however, right after nendou and kaidou went home, kotoe basically locked kusuo and herself in his room.

she dragged a heavy futon exactly besides kusuo's bed—blindly ignoring kuusuke's offers to help her out—and her pre-packed school bag to toss in his room. after that, without even sparing her families a second glance, she curled herself under the blanket.

her father noticed something was wrong with her—kuniharu had always been so heedful when it comes to kotoe—but kusuo's short glare was enough to shut him up.

"i hate him. . ."

kotoe had her knees up to her chest under the hot blanket. she turned in her sleep, however, when she heard kusuo entering the room. a soft click was heard, and she could feel kusuo sinking into the futon, leaning his body against hers as he turned on the tv.

"i can see that," his voice was soft, the tone that she had only heard him use for her. "he's worried."

she scoffed, shifting under the weight of his body as the boisterous noise of eccentric advertisements started to fill the room. "i don't care."

"me neither," kusuo paused for a moment. "but if he's going to be upset about it too, he'd do something stupid. you know how kuusuke is."

kotoe groaned, "he's so annoying. . ."

"he's probably gonna invent something, or even follow you around during school time. maybe even hire himself as the temporary science teacher."

her groaning got even louder, knowing very well that kuusuke was the type to bother her until she doesn't seem mad anymore. which was easy, considering that it was kotoe and kotoe's heart was soft for especially her two brothers.

"he was already planning something, for kuboyasu-kun, i mean," she continued grumbling. "he needs him to test out an invention? i bet it's a bomb, or something."

"you're not far off, actually."

kotoe sat up suddenly, pushing kusuo from his comfortable position against her body.

"ow. . ."

"you know what nii-chan's planning?" her eyes widened, ignoring kusuo's low glower. "did he tell you?"

kusuo sighed, "i peeked at what was inside the cake bag, and saw a flamethrower."

kotoe's mouth hung. "a flamethrower?"

"a flamethrower."

she let her body fell again against her futon. "unbelievable."

"he really is."

"at least you're not like that, kusuo. . ." kotoe sighed aloud, pressing the bottom of her feet against kusuo's ribs—he scattered away from her at the ticklish feeling.

"i feel the same. . . animosity, more or less."

the lady in the television told them that it was almost time for their drama to play, but kotoe had a feeling that neither was in the very mood to be watching some stupid show that night.

"you both are terrible for my love life," she muttered.

kotoe slipped her body under her blanket once again, toes rubbing against each other as an attempt to keep her feet warm.

"it's not our fault that hirano was an asshole."

the sentence did not surprise her, not even in the very least. she closed her eyes and let her mind wander for a moment to the face of her middle school boyfriend, reimagining the curves of his necks and how he would look like in middle school. the broke up on the third year, after all, and he attended a different school. thankfully.

"mika-kun was terrible," she quietly agreed, "but kuboyasu-kun isn't mika-kun."

"you never know," kusuo sighed, laying down on his hard wooden floor. "every boy isn't hirano until proven otherwise."

"you tell me," kotoe turned to look at him. "you can read his mind."

"i can read hirano's mind and i still didn't see anything he did coming."

kotoe stayed quiet.

it was rare that she disagrees on something with kusuo, they were usually of the same frequency in the grand scale of things. but boys problems are something that kusuo, and kuusuke, will forever have contradicting opinions with her. she understood where they were coming from. but she was also capable of making her own decisions, and harboring her own hurt.

having different opinions with her twin, however, wasn't something so enjoyable for kotoe. and so, she decided to change the subject.

"i'm gonna stay upset at nii-chan until next week at least."

kusuo scoffed, but didn't move from his position: sprawled on the floor.

"i'd like to see you try."

𝗢𝗢𝗚𝗢𝗘 𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗗────── k. aren x original characterWhere stories live. Discover now