𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠

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after teleporting to school that morning, kotoe cursed that kusuo had the nerves to leave her alone and walk his own way to class—she blinked and he was instantly gone! she heard him flatly murmuring in her head something about not wanting to deal...

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after teleporting to school that morning, kotoe cursed that kusuo had the nerves to leave her alone and walk his own way to class—she blinked and he was instantly gone! she heard him flatly murmuring in her head something about not wanting to deal with boys swarming over her.

which is absolutely mad, by the way. boys don't swarm over her, not when kokomi is on school's ground, and even so, kotoe still makes sure to keep her guards up when it comes to men around campus.

the worst part of everything was. . . she couldn't even complain to him. he was unable to read her mind, and now, he was already in the classroom while she was still stuck in the back of the gym.

normally, she would be absolutely fine with whatever is going on with kusuo. they stay out of each other's way.

but today. . . out of everyone that she had to meet, she was met with another one of kusuo's weird friend.

well, weird wouldn't even begin to describe him. it was more creepy.

as kotoe escapes the bushes and then navigates her way through the halls with the strap of her tennis bag slung over her chest and her box of cheesecake hugged over it, a rather peculiar voice called out to her.

she was just bowing her head to everyone she met in the hallway—whether she knows them or not—but the voice called her name once, then twice, then three times.


when kotoe halted her steps and turned to look behind her, her eyes widened in absolute terror.

'kusuo. . .' she immediately called out in her mind, but he did not come to her. of course he did not come to her. she was alone in the hallway, and toritsuka is getting closer and closer with every passing second.

kotoe decided to ignore him.

instead, she decided to quicken her pacing, hoping that kokomi or chiyo was just around the corner.

"eh? kotoe-san, are you ignoring me?"

yes. kotoe thought, but she was saiki kotoe. she was her, with her confidence and virtues and values. but she was also her, with her tendency to please people and her need to be liked by everyone, even if she doesn't particularly like them herself.

kotoe paused in the middle of the hallway, gulping aa she hugged the box of cheesecake tighter against her chest. "hahaha. . ." she turned as toritsuka's footsteps slowed down, "toritsuka-kun. . . i didn't hear you. . . were you calling out to me. . ?"

she, of course, knows everything about toritsuka reita.

she had met him the day before he transferred to pk academy — as kusuo was scolding him, kotoe had to borrow a pen; the first impression toritsuka gave off were icky, and the second was pervert, when kusuo tells her about his gravure magazine — and while she actively goes out of her way to avoid him, kusuo ranted to her about how unbearable he is.

𝗢𝗢𝗚𝗢𝗘 𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗗────── k. aren x original characterWhere stories live. Discover now