𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬

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the bell at the end of the class had just rang—and kuboyasu had not approached her for the group project

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the bell at the end of the class had just rang—and kuboyasu had not approached her for the group project.

it wasn't like kotoe was playing hard to get, it was just that she felt a little. . . embarrassed, maybe? at the whole situation. she was the one who pointed kuboyasu's presence at the time, she didn't want him—or anyone, really—to be looking at that in the wrong way.

and so she was kind of hoping that kuboyasu would approach her first—they don't even have each other's e-mail or phone number or line id yet! how were they supposed to talk about the project!?

but. . . when she thought about it, she didn't gave him too much space to interfere as she went to the cafeteria with kokomi (and you know how popular she is—with boys swarming her!), so he might change his mind when he wanted to speak to her.

or maybe she was reading too much into this?

kotoe mindlessly packed her notebooks into her tennis bag, not even looking forward to that day's practice like she used to after thinking too much about the whole situation.

as she stood up, the folder that social science teacher gave hugged to her chest as it didn't fit inside her tennis bag, she felt someone walking up to her.


her face fell when she saw that it was kusuo.

"you don't have to look so down," he scoffed and kotoe scratched her temples.

"sorry," a sheepish smile entered her face. "uh—" she looked back to where kuboyasu's seat was, except it was empty. "—do you know where kuboyasu-kun is? i need to talk to him about our project."

kusuo shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he didn't know—which is a lie. because he always know. kotoe slanted her eyes and he sighed, giving in.

"he's just outside the gym—something happened so he didn't want to talk to anyone."

the description kusuo gave was slightly ambiguous, ominous even, and when kotoe gave him another look, he stared emptily at her before turning to exit the classroom.

"kusuo!" she screeched, chasing after him.

"what?" he asked, tone as flat as ever.

she paused, toes brushing against each other in nervousness inside of her shoes. "he won't, like. . . kill me if i go and talk to him, right?"

kusou scrunched his eyebrows, looking at her funny. "of course not."

a glint on his eyes expressively showed that he wanted to speak of something else, but decided against it. kotoe didn't question it.

they both liked their privacy to be kept well, and they were the one that knew each other the best.

"okay then," she said softly, blowing a breath of warm air out her cheeks. "well, i'll go to him. see you at home after practice," she waved her hands at him.

kusuo did the same movement back, a slight smile on the edge of his lips.

at the moment, it seemed like he trusted kuboyasu, and so kotoe had nothing in particular to worry about.

𝗢𝗢𝗚𝗢𝗘 𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗗────── k. aren x original characterWhere stories live. Discover now