4. Nuts

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Gary-I don't think I'll ever be able to understand that his ability to just get up and leave me without any warning or anything and he signed it was going to leave I feel as if my huge hole has been punched into my chest and will never close up I cannot believe my baby just up and left me like that I feel sick and I feel nauseous Jay's been telling me that .

I don't need to worry that much about Maddie and she's a grown woman but I can't help but worry about my baby my baby means everything to me and I cannot believe that she would just get up and leave daddy without saying goodbye I know something do you want her to South Korea because Maddie has never wanted to go to the grocery store by herself for more than 10 minutes Emilie just stop talking to Maddie one day out of the blue she said .

I know she was going to go meet some guy and she never came back Maddie's been a wreck ever cents but her good friend Hobi  told her that she needs to go To career and not think about Emilie for a while.

I hope Hobi was right about all this and about leaving her father behind I feel sick I hope all the guys are happy for taking Maddie for me I know she'll come back to me because she loves her daddy and she would never ever ever just leave me high and dry like this.

Joe Don-I can never understand why Maddie just left
I really hope Taehyung meant what he said when he told me he would take good care of Maddie when she got there I'm trusting him with my babies life.

I mean we adopted Maddie when she was four because her parents her real parents couldn't care for her and I love her so much she's like my daughter.

I have children of my own we all deal with I wipes but Gary wanted to adopt just one special child and he found that with Maddie we just hope that she can come home safely I feel so sick I mean I hope when she's in Korea their  nice to her. Jay-I hope Maddie is Okay
I need to stop worrying so much but I can't help but worry.  I was pulled out of my thoughts when Mark showed up.

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