Daddy Needs You👨‍👧

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While riding home

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While riding home.... before she "caught up with" Happy.... Muerte had called Vida telling her that she was needed at home after all a visit from SAMCRO is never a good thing for a Mayan so Vida packed the kids up into the car gave her husband a kiss then left with Juice riding his Harley behind her and the girls in the car back to Santo Padre Happy spent the rest of the day with the woman he loves making love to her as well as making up for far too much time apart he didn't care that he had to do it inside the house he just wanted to be there with her and what was even better was that when Vida made it back to Santo Padre she brought Nicotiana and Xiomara home to them with Juice at their heels then left for the club to go see her father taking her daughter with him knowing full well that Lluvia misses her papi.... Bishop's head shoots up in surprise when he sees his granddaughter stare up at him with a smile on her face and hears her say softly with a happy tone "hi papi"  as he sits in his chair with his hands on his head and his elbows on his knees "what are you doing here!?!"  he asks softly with a surprised tone "Muerte called.... this is not a time for you to be alone dad!"  Vida replies with a smile on her face then she walks over and makes herself at home on his right leg she picks up her daughter and places her on his left and Bishop automatically wraps a protective arm around them both "she doesn't know what happened but she knows you which means she knew you'd need your family just like she needs hers!"  she tells him and he smiles then kisses them both on the forehead "she always was a smart one wasn't she!?!"  he asks "where do you think I get it from!?!"  she teasingly replies he says with a chuckle in his tone "hey!"  which makes her chuckle they both look down at Lluvia and see that she had fallen asleep with her head laying on Bishop's chest and Bishop chuckles softly at the sight as his daughter says softly "see she needed you too!"  he laughs softly and they sit in silence for a little while then decide to head home to his place so that Lluvia could sleep in a more comfortable spot which just so happened to be Bishop's bed next to Bishop himself for Vida told him that was what he should do and Vida lays on the other side of his bed lluvia is in the middle and the three of them fall asleep.... Felipe was shocked to see Muerte running his shop like she's done it all her life when he walks into it the next morning "mornin"  Muerte says with a smile as she looks at the elder man who just walked through the door while she assists a customer "buenos días"  Felipe replies as he tries to get over his shock Muerte chuckles softly "so!.... you actually working today!?! I know the shops kinda small but we can work something out!"  she teases the customer she was helping chuckles softly before saying thank you then leaving the shop "Juan and Happy are with the kids so you don't have to worry about getting trampled before having your coffee!"  she adds still teasing he looks at her oddly and she keeps on going "alright, alright I see you want to do all the work yourself today so I'll....!"  she washes her hands and pretends to prepare to leave and just as she starts to walk out the door she hears Felipe ask "where do you think you're going!?!"  she laughs softly then heads back behind the counter "the bills have been paid.... with your own money.... Juan's been preparing the meat.... Angel and EZ taught him.... your customers LOVE actually seeing a SMILING face.... prettier too!"  she tells him ending with a tease "keep talking like that and I'll let you leave!"  he replies she laughs and a small smile starts to to grace his greying features "it's good to see you back"  she tells him he hugs her shoulders and they get to work as the next customer walks in....

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