💀⚰️Death To Us All⚱️☠️

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Not only did Muerte put a few bullet holes in the bikes but she put some really nasty scratches in them with her knife "you can bill me! good luck getting me to pay though!"  she tells the fat bikers who narrow their eyes at her out of the five that fought only four had wounds to show for it proving that they had lost the three fat Mayans with big mouths "I thought I was being nice.... I'm usually much worse than that!"  Muerte says to Chibs as she walks over to her friend and gives him a hug "that you are!"  Chibs replies with a chuckle "I know!.... tell Adam that I'll pay for any damages to his land.... I did bring the kids you know!?"  Muerte tells Bishop who laughs then hugs her "come on they're out back with Vida and Juan!"  she tells the two men then she leads them to the back yard where the children were indeed were but Kerianne and Eziah were there as well "daddy!!"  lluvia, Nico and Xio shout happily when they see Happy and Quinn who had followed Muerte, Chibs and Bishop and they run over and into their loving embrace as Happy and Quinn kneel down to their level their arms outstretched and they lift them up into their arms once they reach them and they give them both a hug lluvia ran into Quinn, Nico and Xio ran to Happy and Eziah who followed his cousins ran to his grandpa Muerte turns and nods at her daughters as they were being held by their father and the girls smile at her knowing that it meant that they could go in with their father as the Tribal Demons and Reapers meet one last time lluvia, Nico, Xio and li'l Ezi go inside with their daddy's and grandpa.... Esai wasn't there.... until the ones the elders were waiting for show up then they get taken by their mothers into a room Adam had left for them so that they could all take a nap or watch t.v. until it was time to leave.... Vida and Muerte had heard about the human trafficking job Bishop and the guys tried to end and they were no more happy about the fact that the Mayans had to work with those in charge of it than the Mayans were but they knew they had to do "what was right" for their crew and to honor Jax's shit "I just hope they're honorable.... I doubt it but I still hope!"  Muerte whispers to Vida as they watch the men head into the conference room "me too!"  Vida whispers with a worried tone "what are you two talking about!?!"  they both hear Happy ask from behind them and they turn to face him and Quinn "the "dealing" that they had done with Vatos was human trafficking.... we don't do that shit but your pals will do anything for a buck!"  Vida replies Happy looks at her with a surprised expression on his face as she continues her tone becomes angry with every word she speaks "they came into our home broke our rules and didn't pay our family or our land any respect!"  Quinn pulls her to him and hugs her which calms her down "we should go check on the kids Kerianne shouldn't be doing all the work by herself!"  Vida says softly then she kisses Quinn's cheek as she slides out of his embrace and she and Muerte walk away Happy watches them with sad eyes then walks into the meet becoming the man SAMCRO needs once more using all the anger he now feels because of his own stupidity as fuel for the fire he knows is about to be lit under his ass....

 we don't do that shit but your pals will do anything for a buck!"  Vida replies Happy looks at her with a surprised expression on his face as she continues her tone becomes angry with every word she speaks "they came into our home broke our rules...

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Vida and Muerte took their daughters to see Adam and his wife at their home after SAMCRO left the meet and Kerrianne and her son went back to Charming with her father.... Adam and his wife ended up babysitting the young ones after Muerte explained how she didn't trust the Vato's that the Mayans were practically forced to work with "I know you left us a room for them but I....!"   she finishes Adam places a comforting hand on her shoulder and says "it's alright you two go we'll look after them!"  she gives the elder a hug as does Vida then the two women walk over to their children give them some love and have them promise to be good for Adam and his wife while they were gone the girls loved being with Adam for he always told them stories of his people which had always interested them and he made the stories fun.... "don't worry Adam's watching over them!"  Vida tells her father who looked at her and Muerte oddly when he sees them reenter the Lodge he nods with a smile as he gives his daughter a hug as Vida spent some quality time with her father and the guys Muerte walked outside to help EZ take care of the Harley's EZ turned his head and smiles at his new friend as he backed the Harley he was on into it's parking spot he climbs off the bike as she walks over to him gas can in hand and sets it down by one of the posts EZ wraps his arm around her shoulder as they start to head inside as EZ starts to open the door they hear a bottle shatter and see one of the Harley's burn like Moses' bush without the godly voice speaking to them "oh what the fuck was that?"  Angel asks then he and the guys rush outside to see what was going on "did you see that?"  Angel asks as the guys pull out their guns prepared for almost anything "what the fuck Prospect?"  Coco asks Muerte smiles shaking her head at him and asks "why is everything always the Prospects fault!?!"  Coco replies "because it is!"  Muerte says with a smile "and here I thought you were going to say "because I said so"!"  Coco replies "there's that too!"  the guys laugh then they get caught in a fire fight as the Vato's in the van start shooting at them and they start shooting back while searching for cover "ok! I am NOT paying for this!"  Muerte mutters making Bishop chuckle then he shouts "inside! on me we'll hit them from the side"  Vida walks into the Lodge with her father, Riz, Taza, Hank and Creeper while Muerte stays outside with Gilly, Coco, Angel and EZ as she was shooting at those shooting at her and her Mayan family Muerte turned the camera on on her phone and set it to video then placed it in her shirt pocket with the camera lens poking out of it EZ saw Muerte's jacket burst into flames out of the corner of his eye as a Vato throws another Molotov cocktail "Muerte!"  EZ shouts and he rushes over to her as she starts to pull her jacket off as fast as she could "I'm ok!"  Muerte promises softly as she shoots the Vato who threw the cocktail at her killing him she looks over and sees that she was not the only one that got hit by the cocktail and shouts "Coco!"  EZ rushes over to one of the bikes takes the rolled up blanket off of it then rushes over to his friend and does his best to put the fire out Muerte looks past the guys through the windows of the doors and sees the firefight that was happening inside she starts to head in there when she sees El Palo and his men back away then leave once it was "safe" Muerte sends the video and a few aftermath photos to Chibs with a message saying "this is what the Vato's think of your "fair deal"! thanks for making my family work with heartless human trafficking assholes Scotty!"  Chibs wasn't the only one who got the video and photos she took Quinn and Happy also received them as she took her pictures she went around and checked on everyone "so what's with the....!?! you sent them to the Crows!?!"  Angel asks she nods then says "they can pay Adam's bill! and I'll make sure he jack ups the price just for them!"  he laughs Muerte and Vida do what they can to make the pain that Coco and Riz were now in a little less than it was until the ambulance came.... when Chibs looked down at the text he received from the woman he considered his other daughter he knew that she was pissed and looking through the pictures and videos she sent he could see why though it hurt knowing that there was one more Reaper on her "enemy" list and he just like Happy hoped that it was temporary and that he could do something to fix the pain he caused her and her family....

Muerte and Vida along with Coco and Riz end up as patients in the hospital.... it was more a safety precaution for Vida and Muerte that helped the guys' piece of mind since they weren't physically harmed especially since EZ was able to help Muerte get her jacket off her before the fire reached her skin.... "I'm fine I just got a little to much sun while the sun wasn't even out!"  Muerte tells Juice over the phone after he calls her once he found out what happened Juice chuckles softly "the girls were and still are at Adam's so they are safe and they are the ones that truly matter!"  she adds he doesn't answer "you can come pick them up if you want they know who you are and what you look like but I'm not leaving not while they need me!"  she tells him "no!.... it's fine! as long as you're safe!"  he replies "I am I just got really really hot for a second or two!"  she says he laughs then says softly "you're always hot!!"  she shakes her head with a smile "I should go!.... your not supposed to use mobile phones in the hospital.... I mean I was already discharged but Riz.... he's....!"  she tells him her voice becomes soft and low towards the end "no! I understand! I love you!"  he replies "I love you too!"  she says then they hang up and she walks into Riz's room and sits by his bed for awhile she doesn't leave until Bishop, Taza, Creeper and Hank walk in she gives each man a hug before she walks out of the room to let them talk business.... as Coco was leaving the hospital he was surprised to see Vida standing outside of it with the younger ladies (her and Muerte's daughters) who all had smiles on their faces "we thought you might like to ride with us instead of in the van"  Vida tells him as he climbs out of the wheelchair he was "forced" to be pushed in Coco grins then allows the girls to take his hand and lead him to the car lluvia ended up riding on Coco's lap in the backseat inbetween Nico and Xio's carseats while Muerte rode shotgun with Vida driving all the way to the Clubhouse after dropping Coco off Bishop sends Vida and Muerte back to Muerte's parents home so they could rest Vida got lluvia's carseat out of the trunk then set it up in the backseat then lluvia climbed in buckled herself up and they drove away.... after giving hugs to the guys of course.... Demon spent half the day laying next to Muerte in bed even though she was unharmed her body was overly tired and needed rest.... "he's proud of you you know!?.... he knows how tough you have it being in charge of all these crazy headstrong assholes!"  Bishop hears Muerte tease on the other side of his phone an hour or so later when she called him after she woke up from her nap he chuckles softly as she continues with a bit more of a serious tone "I know whatever decision you make will make Mar proud and he'll stand by it.... as will I!"  he replies softly "thank you!"  she says "well I'm sure your busy so I should let you get back to it Primo!"  he chuckles "trust me Uncle O I know what it's like having one too many voices trying to become your conscience I'm a Mayan dating TWO Reapers after all! I've been dealing with and cleaning up Crow shit for years now!"  she says he laughs he couldn't believe her timing not even two seconds after he had a meeting in the Temple with her father she calls him up to show her support and he had been told by Juice just how much she did for SAMCRO.... as long as it didn't go against the Mayans anyway.... so he knew she was telling the truth she has been everyone's support even when no one had supported her and he was hoping to someday be able to change that what he didn't realize was that he already has not as many times or in as big of a way she has done for so many but he has always been part of her "support group" those who have not only SAID but have SHOWN that they love her despite who and what she is

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