🖖🏽✌🏽F**k Peace🕊☮

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Bishop noticed the change in how Muerte acted around Taza but he knew and understood why she acted different in her mind Taza was supposed to watch over Riz in the hospital and somehow the comatose man died on his watch what Bishop didn't understand was the change in the relationship between his daughter and Coco the half there seemingly lost little sheep of a man was being ignored by not only his daughter but his granddaughter in a worse way than Taza was by his cousin "Viper and I think he might be addicted.... to what we're unsure but I doubt he's all about the club anymore and more lost in the imaginary pain he's felt since his eye got hurt"  Vida explains when Bishop asks her about it "I have no proof just a feeling and that feeling is growing deeper and darker for he seems to be falling further down the rabbit hole and I worry he might not be able to climb back out.... I love that man like a brother but I won't let his darkness seep into my daughter and take her over too!"  she adds and he hugs her gently to him and says softly "you should head back home to your husband"  she replies with a smile "I am home! and we're not ready to leave yet!"  he hugs her tighter to him then feels a smaller set of arms hug his leg he looks down and sees his granddaughter who must have rushed into the room sometime during the hugfest and decided to become a participant he gently places his hand on top of his granddaughters head and combs his fingers through her dark hair "come on we'll make you breakfast then boot you out so you can get back to the place you love almost as much as you love us!"  Vida says with a smile Bishop chuckles then he picks up his granddaughter and follows his daughter into the kitchen "I just hope it loves you as much as you love it!"  she thinks to herself sadly and somehow she doubted it she could tell that there was something changing in her father as well a darkness that was seeping into his bones that even he couldn't get rid of she was just grateful that he was somehow able to not let it consume him when he was with her and her daughter as a matter of fact she believed she and Lluvia were the only light left in his life that he actually allowed to shine the only part she didn't like so far in his "master plan" was that he lied to another member of their family who loves them as deep as the deepest ocean and to the furthest reaches of the galaxy no matter what she just wished her father could see that but he seems to be blinded by something she can't see not because she refuses to but because he won't allow her to Vida knew that just like Muerte Marcus was not an enemy anyone would want and if her father continued on this long path of destruction she worried that the man (Marcus) may just lose faith in the one who needs it the most (Bishop) but she also knows that he (Marcus) will never stop loving him (Bishop) despite his faults for that is the type of man her cousin is it's just going to be harder to do and Vida was beginning to wonder if her father could still feel the love his family has for him or if he's far too lost and gone to feel much of anything anymore and that worried her most of all.... that night when Vida brought her surprisingly sound asleep daughter.... who feel asleep on the ride over.... to the Clubhouse she walked towards the building then saw a large short lump laying on one of the Harley's in the parking lot and cautiously walks over to it then covers her sleeping daughters head with her hand gently pressing it closer to her shoulder and shouts "DAD!!!!"  both Taza and Bishop come running out of the Clubhouse and over to her with worried expressions on their faces they see her staring at something then turn to find SAMCRO's Montez dead body laying on one of the Harleys "oh fuck"  Taza mutters as Bishop hugs his daughter and granddaughter to him hiding Vida's head in his shoulder "take care of it!"  Bishop orders Taza nods then does as he's told as Bishop leads his daughter and granddaughter into the clubhouse....

 to the Clubhouse she walked towards the building then saw a large short lump laying on one of the Harley's in the parking lot and cautiously walks over to it then covers her sleeping daughters head with her hand gently pressing it closer to her s...

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