Fiesta De La Santa Maria

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The girls, Esai, Eziah, Kerianne, Tessa, Diana, Rebel and Demon hang out at the Clubhouse with Marcus helping EZ with the Harley's, keeping the men feed and comfortable just not TOO comfortable if you know what I mean  "that's good work, prospect"  Vida hears Marcus say to EZ as he works on cleaning one of the Harley's "thanks, Padrino I should be able to pull another mirror from the yard"  EZ replies as Marcus sits down on top of one of the nearby picnic tables then he (EZ) asks "you gonna ride straight through to Oakland?"  Marcus replies "nah, I got business in LA for a day or two I'll be home by the weekend though"  then he sees Angel walk around the corner of the building and asks "how's the fit? you and your brother that working out?"  EZ answers "yeah"  Marcus replies "good you know, up north we don't let blood sponsor blood loyalty can get messy Bishop signed off on it I'm sure it'll work word of advice: if a situation should present itself that causes, you know, confusion .... between brother .... and brother .... you bring it to me or Bishop we'll help you out you understand?"  EZ answers "yeah of course"  Marcus says "you're a smart kid, EZ Santo Padre needs that"  Marcus and EZ stand up then Marcus says "put the club first I wanna see a full patch on your back"  he pats him on the shoulder then walks away smiling at Vida who teases "becareful EZ I think he likes you!"  EZ chuckles softly then asks with a smile "and that's a bad thing!?!"  Vida replies "if one thinks it's bad for the kings to play favorites it has to be worse if the gods do it!"  EZ laughs Marcus shakes his head with a smile on his face then walks away but before he reaches the porch he turns and watches his daughter and her pups run around and playfully chase his grandkids and youngest cousin seeing him look in her direction Death waves at him with a smile on her face then blows him a kiss which he catches and places in his pocket making Life chuckle then she walks over to join Death and the kids as soon as she sees Angel walk over to EZ leaving them alone to chat about whatever they needed to chat about that is until the girls saw Chucky ride into the Clubhouse on his scooter Rain, Nicotiana and Xiomara rush over and give the two fingered man a hug then run back over to their mothers and their pups so that Chucky could go back to work Death and Life wave at Chucky with a smile then go back to playing with their girls after he waves back with a smile on his face.... as Bishop, Marcus and a few of the other men where in the Temple having a meeting Death, Life, Kerrianne and Diana were cooking lunch as the little ones slept and once the men came out of the meeting they were warned by the women that cooked mainly Diana that they weren't allowed to leave until they ate something which made them chuckle Marcus walks over and gives his wife a kiss on the lips and his daughter a kiss on the cheek Bishop walks over to his daughter and gives her a kiss on the cheek then all the men grab a plate and fill it with the delicious food the women cooked Kerianne made a two plates up then walks towards then into the room where the kids were asleep and handed one to her husband and then brought a chair over to where Esai sat and sat down next to him and they ate their meal together.... once the children wake from their nap the women get them ready to leave the Clubhouse "we're going to head to the festival"  Vida tells Marcus and Bishop who nod then give their girls ALL of them and the two boys a hug ....

 once the children wake from their nap the women get them ready to leave the Clubhouse "we're going to head to the festival"  Vida tells Marcus and Bishop who nod then give their girls ALL of them and the two boys a hug

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