🤔🤔🤔Who Are We!?!🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽

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Muerte kisses the top of Marcus' head before following half of the men out of the room Marcus looks down at the table and smiles when he sees that not only did she leave him a bottle of Jack but a cigar

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Muerte kisses the top of Marcus' head before following half of the men out of the room Marcus looks down at the table and smiles when he sees that not only did she leave him a bottle of Jack but a cigar.... "love the new hairstyle Che!"  Taza hears Muerte say with a smile in her tone as she takes over the stool Bishop just left Taza smiles at her then asks "do you think I made a mistake in there!?"  she replies as she takes the bottle of water Cielo gives her "thanks C.... I think you did what you thought was best and tried to show that despite your past wrongs you're doing what you can to support the man who needs it the most and trying to be a friend to the man who acts like he doesn't want any Obispo is acting a lot like Coco at the moment pushing people away when he really wants them close it may be his way of truly testing their loyalty or perhaps he's so lost he's not even sure of himself much less where anyone else stands him losing the Prez patch after the "one king" bullshit you all tried to pull is the pin that will make all the marbles fall into the dark pit in his soul which is only getting deeper"  she pauses then says "he needs to find himself again before we can even attempt to find him we're all a little lost but he's.... probably not even sure what he is anymore!"  Taza hugs her and she hugs him back.... a minute or so later Muerte heads back to the Temple to let her father know that a black car had pulled up into the parking lot he smiles and thanks her then he, Canche and the other Mayan Prez's stand up and walk out of the Temple Marcus heads to the bar with his daughter as Canche heads outside with his VP to take care of business "you know what I'm gonna ride with Creeper"  Muerte tells her father who smiles then nods she kisses his cheek then walks away.... when Muerte was introduced to Randall and Noah she noticed how Noah seem to tense at the mans touch like he didn't want it to happen but was too afraid to say anything she looks at Creeper and whispers "I don't think that's his kid!"  Creeper looks at her with a confused expression on his face "look at the way he's acting he's not shy but something about that mans touch makes him uncomfortable.... I don't like this Neron, at all! though there is one way to make absolute certain my "tingling mother senses" are right"  she whispers Creeper chuckles as she lets out a long low yet sharp whistle and Demon rushes over then stands in-between Randall and Noah growling at the bearded man who looked frightened as he looks down at the terrifying pit bull who was now in "protect the child" mode "well that settles it he's sitting up front with us and Demon can sit in back with the boys! this way the boy can get a few minutes worth of peace"  she whispers Creeper nods in agreement.... Manny, EZ and Angel found it amusing that Randall spent the whole trip frightened of Demon while Noah had fun with Creeper and Muerte and actually smiling a real smile for a change the Mayans found it odd that Randall constantly tried to move so that he could be closer to Noah but was too afraid of the pup who growled at him whenever he attempted to get up and move to the front "can you guys....!?!"  Randall asks nervously as he stares at the growling pit bull who's eyes never left him "no!"  EZ, Manny and Angel chorus then they burst out laughing "sorry man but the only one who can get Demon to do anything is the woman in the front seat and she doesn't listen to anyone but her father who isn't here and neither of us have his number!"  Manny tells him with a smile Randall huffs then jumps as Demon barks at him making the Mayans laugh.... Muerte turns her body and reaches for a blanket and pillow for Noah to use after Creeper suggests they should try and get some rest she hands the young man the pillow then covers him up with the blanket and starts to sing a soft Spanish lullaby as she gently combs her fingers through his bangs.... she was sitting on the floor between Creeper and Noah who were sitting in the driver and passenger seats.... the song she sung seemed to help lull all of them to sleep even Creeper started to get drowsy "I can take over if you need me to!"  she teases with a smile "nah I'm good"  Creeper replies with a smile "if you say so!"  she says with a smile he chuckles "here how about some coffee instead!?"  she says as she hands him a thermos full of hot coffee which he gratefully excepts seeing that those that needed to sleep were asleep Muerte stops singing then starts up a actual conversation with the only man awake the one who was "forced" to drive.... Randall sighs a deep and heavy sigh of relief when he finds out that Demon wasn't going with them and he also became jealous that Noah freely gave Muerte and Creeper a hug with a real smile on his face which he was never able to get from the boy he refused to see was afraid of him Muerte spent the whole ride back worried about the young man she, Creeper and Demon were forced to leave with a man she didn't know much less trust at all and this time Creeper was the one who distracted her with a conversation as they rode back together though instead of taking her to the clubhouse Creeper dropped her off at home where her children and the men she loves wait outside for her he watches with a smile as her daughters rush towards her as soon as she climbs out of the van and hug her then sees Muerte, Nico and Xio wave at him and he waves back before driving away as Juice and Happy walk over to Muerte and give her a kiss after her daughters were put to bed and had fallen asleep Muerte tells the men she loves her worries about the boy she had to leave with his own personal monster and they hug her then take her to bed where they lay her down then lay down on either side of her and hug her body then the three of them fall asleep themselves....

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