Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

At the sounds of my hysterical cries, Layton barged into the room. His face was neutral, as normal, but his eyes were wild and alert. I was sitting on the floor, my emptied suitcase in tatters around my feet. My white dress – which still had small splatters of blood from when Layton broke Alpha Jones arm earlier that day – was crinkled and creased from how I was position on the floor.

When Layton realised that there was no danger, he frowned down at me; crossing his arms over his chest in dominance. "What's the matter?" he demanded, annoyed.

"He's not here" I sniffed, hiccupping from my heavy sobs.


"Donald". At them mention of his name, Layton growled and stormed up to me. I yelped in shock when he picked me up, and threw me forcefully onto his bed. I whimpered in fear, as Layton followed me onto the bed. His callous hands grabbed hold of my arms – pinning them above my head as he sat across my waist. He was heavy, and I wheezed.

"You are mine" he all but screamed in my face. I whimpered in fear, eyes watering – I was very confused with his behaviour. Confused and scared. "How dare you talk of another man in my presence. And don't think I didn't hear about that pathetically, weak, wolf who tried to claim you as his own this morning. You're lucky it was just my Beta there, because I would have killed that fucking mutt".

I was sobbing, hard, out of both sadness and fear. I knew that Layton was scary, he was the Blood Alpha after all, but that didn't mean that I had ever thought he would be so aggressive. I whimpered in his hold, as his claws came out and dug into my bound hands. I felt a wetness there, he had drawn blood.

"Donald, is my teddy bear" I whispered, voice small and childlike. At my words, Layton looked confused – eyebrows dipping and a deep frown creasing his forehead lines. He looked like he was trying to work out the hardest quadratic equation; as if my words were in some foreign language he didn't understand.

"Huh?" he groaned out.

"My teddy bear, his name is Donald, and my mum took him out my suitcase" I told him, eyes tearing up once more. "She told me my mate would laugh at me for having a teddy bear, but my daddy gave it to me". I hiccupped once more, before more tears began to fall.

Sighing heavily, Layton got off me. He released my hands, and finally noticed my cut wrists; he frowned, but didn't comment on them. However, he backed away from the bed slightly. I hiccupped again, as soft sobs filled my throat; constricting my air intake. I sat up slowly – my eyes watching Layton in case he pounced on me again. But he didn't, he simply stood there; staring in the normal disconcerting way he always did.

"I'm sorry Alpha Vetteriano, but I have to go home. I can sleep without Donald" I told him, voice calm and small.

"No" he roared loudly, anger creeping into his wide eyes once more. "You will never leave". And with that, he turned on his heels and stormed out the room. I jumped when he slammed the bedroom door shut, not just because of the loud sound, but also due to the anger that he used to shut it. I whimpered again. Curling up on the bed, I cried for what seemed like hours.

When I finally glanced up at the large windows, it was dark outside. My eyes were red and sore, and my head and healing wrists hurt. I didn't want to be there – I wanted to be at home with; Jacob, my family and Donald. I felt my tiredness looming over me, like a plague I couldn't fight. But just as my eyes were about to shut, one thing popped into my head – are the doors locked?

Jumping out of bed, I made my way to the bedroom door. Cautiously, I eased it open before my eyes searched the empty landing. It was a pretty corridor - with a white standing staircase leading to the first floor, and a polished wooden floor that seem to glisten under the small spotlights in the ceiling. As soon as I stepped out, my bare feet touched the cool floor.

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