Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

His lips were sweet, yet, bitter at the same time. The way they fitted with mine, it felt almost like they were made to slot together. The kiss started out soft – Layton simply placing his lips on top of mine. He was being gentle, he was testing the waters. If I were to pull away, so would he.

But I didn't pull away, instead I deepened the kiss. I threw my arms around his neck, stretching up to get closer to him – Layton scrunched down slightly so we could get closer. His hand tightened their grip on my hips, his fingers deepening their pressure.

I pressed my lips hard against Layton's; telling him I wanted the kiss to continue. The speed of the kiss sped up, as did my heart rate. Taking the kiss a step further, Layton's tongue parted my lips and made its way into my mouth – exploring the unexplored territory.

I wasn't sure how long we were kissing for, I lost track of time. Kissing Layton awakened a desire I had not felt before, and when my lips were connected to Layton nothing else but that desire mattered. Tingles spread over my body, before festering inside my stomach – reminding me that I was real, and the kiss was real.

It was only as I began to get light headed, that I knew I needed to pull away. I didn't want to, but I had no choice. I pulled away and my eyes reopened. I looked up at Layton – both us of were gasping for breath. Layton frowned at me, not liking that I had broken the kiss.

"I had to breathe some time" I giggled, smiling up at him. Layton smiled again; that beautiful, rare, grin that was as beautiful as a new dawn or a sunrise. It was something I wanted to see every morning, and one I wanted to fall asleep thinking about.

Layton was about to say something, when a loud beeping interrupted him. The loud noise made me jump in shock, and it took me a few seconds to realise what it was. The smoke alarm – the breakfast was burning.

"Oh no" I muttered, before I took everything off heat and tried to stop the fire in the sizzling pan. When I'd sorted everything out, I turned back to Layton who was watching. "I think breakfast in bed is ruined" I said.

Layton smirked softly, "I don't care about the breakfast, I just want to go back to bed". He walked over to me, before slipping his arms around my waist. I smiled up at him, but blushed slightly. "Come" he whispered huskily.

Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to my lips – a small, peck, that lasted a few seconds. Then he pulled away and took my hand. Layton led me upstairs, his hand gripping on mine tightly. I was both nervous and excited.

In our bedroom, Layton sat down on the bed before pulling me close. I stumbled slightly, but allowed him to manoeuvre me onto his lap – I sat in a straddling position. His large, firm, hands gripped my face, bringing our lips back together.

The kiss was long and passionate, and I found my body automatically responding to Layton. His hand ran down my side, and my skin seared with heat. He shifted his weight, and I pressed my body firmed into his.

After a few minutes, of deep intimate kisses, Layton's lips moved away from mine. He trailed his kisses over my jaw line, and down my neck. He left intense, wet, kisses over my nape – occasionally letting his teeth nip at the skin of my throat.

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