Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

A few men were interested in me, and that felt nice. They spoke, they flirted and they spoke of choosing me. Then, they saw my strength and changed their minds. I was too weak for them. One wolf – who was extremely interested – decided 'I wasn't for him', after he got a closer look at my score. Jacob just stood next to me, shaking his head in annoyance.

"You deceive better than that asshole anyway".

"Thanks, Jake" I smiled at him – I knew he was trying to make me feel better. I took a glass of water of the table behind me, before handing one to him. We stood inside one of the marquees, the summer sun shining setting. Jacob took the glass from me, before popping a finger sandwich into his mouth.

My best friend caught the eye of another girl, who smiled at him flirtatiously. Jacob didn't even pay her mind, and turned back to me. He had dismissed every She Wolf who had tried to flirt with him – and refused to seek out any girl he wanted. His behaviour was odd.

Jacob sighed, before moving closer to me. I frowned as his face turned serious – it wasn't often that Jacob was serious. I was the quiet and serious friend, and he was the jovial and immature friend; that was why we got on so well.

"Look, Gemini, I've been thinking that--"

"Excuse me" a male voice interrupted Jacob. I turned to see a tall man, with ash hair and light eyes. He wasn't overly attractive, but he wasn't unfortunate looking either. I offered him a smile, hoping he was just another suitor trying for my hand.

"Yes?" I asked, as Jacob scowled for being interrupted.

"Gemini Burn?" he questioned, eyes briefly flicking down to my badge. I nodded yes, and he continued. "I am Beta Strider of the Endoro Pack. Alpha Vetteriano asked me to find you and bring you to him" he told me. At his words my blood ran cold, and my face fell.

"No" Jacob spoke up, slipping his arm around my waist and pulling me to my side. I crashed into his broad side, and quickly grabbed a hold of his shirt in fear. I didn't want him to leave me alone with Alpha Vetteriano – with the Blood Alpha.

Beta Strider frowned, before glaring at Jacob. "Do not speak to me like that, pup. And do not touch Gemini" he growled out. With amazing strength, he grabbed me and pulled me away from Jacob. "Now stand down".

"She will be my mate" Jacob snapped, lunging forward to grab me. Beta Strider pushed me behind him, before I even had a chance to think over Jacob's words. He wanted me as a mate. He wanted to choose me.

Jacob and I had been friends for as long as I could remember, and there had never be any romantic feelings between us. Well, not as far as I knew. But I couldn't deny that I hadn't thought about Jacob and I ending up together, it would be easy for us. We never had secrets, we knew everything about one another. It would be easy to be with him – I knew that, I had always know that.

"Watch your mouth pup" Beta Strider growled. The commotion was causing a scene and a few of the ritual organisers rushed over. I blushed deeply, hiding behind by curtain of hair.

"Beta, is something wrong?" one of the man asked, looking between the three of us in confusion.

"Keep this pup away from Gemini. She will be chosen by Alpha Vetteriano" he replied, and it wasn't only me who was shocked. Everyone nearby gasped. Alpha Vetteriano was known for always keeping away from relationships and emotional attachments. It was the last year for him to claim a mate – and he had made it very clear that he hadn't planned to choose a female.

I couldn't deny that Alpha Vetteriano was attractive, but that did nothing to discourage from the fact he was a murderer, a monster. The Blood Alpha. I didn't want to be chosen by Alpha Vetteriano, I wanted to be chosen by Jacob or someone else. Anyone else. Just not the Blood Alpha.

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