Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I couldn't get my words out. I was in utter shock – Layton had a girlfriend. The Blood Alpha had a girlfriend, and her name was Andrea. The woman was beautiful, perfect even, I was nothing compared to her. Nothing.

"H-his girlfriend?" I stuttered out, tears filling my eyes. I was so confused and hurt. If Layton already had a girlfriend, then why did he choose me? Why force me to be his mate, if he already loved someone else? I was so confused and scared.

"Yes, I'm his girlfriend" she nodded. She had a cold smirk on her face – she could see how much she was hurting me, and she was getting some sort of sadistic pleasure from it. "And even though you are his mate, he only did that because if he didn't choose someone – then he may have lost his title".

"What do you mean?" I sniffed.

"The Alpha's of the other packs were saying that an Alpha can't be without an heir or a mate. So therefore if he didn't chose at the Mating Ritual he would be removed as Alpha" she told me, smirking smugly. "He chose you because you're weak and he can manipulate you. It's that simple".

"I don't think Alpha Vetteriano would do that". A few rouge tears slipped out of my eyes. I was scared – if Layton didn't want me, then how long would he put up with me and my obsessions.

"Oh, but sweetie, he would" Andrea replied. Even though she called me sweetie, she didn't seem nice – she was condescending. She looked to be in her mid to late twenties; older than both me and Layton, yet she looked at me as if I was small child who didn't understand her.

"Why did he choose you then?" I asked bravely, scared for her answer.

"I'm older than Layton, so I was already chosen by someone else when we met. But my mate is dead now, and we were supposed to be happy and together. Then, he was told he'd lose his Alpha position – so he chose you".

Pushing past me, she walked into the room. I squeaked in shock as she strolled casually into Layton's house and took a seat on the couch. I didn't want to be left alone with Andrea; she scared me and what she was telling me just made me upset.

I ducked into the kitchen, and was surprised to find a note from Layton on the fridge. 'Any problems call me – L'. Under the scribbled text was a phone number. Taking Layton's phone from the stand, I dialled the number.

"Alpha Vetteriano speaking" Layton's voice boomed out. I jumped at how scary and dominant he sounded.

"It's me, Gemini" I squealed, scared again. It wasn't right to be scared of Layton, he was my chosen mate, yet I was terrified of him.

"I told you only to call me if there was a problem. Is there a problem?"

"Alpha Vetteriano, I'm sorry to bother you...but there is a woman here...Andrea". My voice was small and hesitant. There was a long drawn out pause on the other end of the phone, then Layton sighed.

"Andrea, my girlfriend. Yes, she won't hurt you" he told me. I gulped, a few tears falling. Andrea wasn't lying, she really was Layton's girlfriend. "But, I can see how this could be problematic, I'll be back soon". Then the phone cut off. The dialling tone rung in my ear and I put the phone down.

Awaiting Layton was terrifying. I was so scared he was going to tell me that everything Andrea said was true – that I was only chosen to ensure Layton's Alpha position. It saddened me and I felt more tears spilling. I just wanted to go to home – to Jacob, to my mother, to Donald.

When Layton returned, I still hadn't left the kitchen. I heard the front door slam, and heavy footstep walking inside. "Gemini, get in here. Now" Layton shouted, and I ran out to the lounge.

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