Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

"I don't understand" I shook my head in confusion, "why would my mother do this to me?"

"I told you Gemini, Thomas is a very manipulative man. He got inside your mother's head and made her think what she was doing was going to save you" Layton reminded me. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head. "Whether you see it or not, she did it because she loves you. In a very twisted, fucked up, way".

A week had passed since my mother had disappeared, and I vowed never to see her again. I wanted to forget about her, erase what she did from my memories. Because no matter how many reasons there were, no matter how many times it was explained to me that she didn't do it out of malice – she had still murdered my child. I would never forgive her for that.

I lay in bed with Layton, my head resting on his chest, as his fingers knotted themselves in my hair. The morning sun was streaming through the windows, giving the bedroom an odd orange tint. "Can I ask you something?" I blurted.

"You can ask me anything, you know that" Layton replied; his attention still very much on the way his fingers threaded through my blonde curls.

"After our pup died, why did you hate me?" The question made Layton pull his fingers away, and sigh heavily.

"That is such a childish thing to say. Of course I didn't hate you. My feelings for you didn't change, but my feelings for myself changed".

"What does that mean?" I asked, turning so that I was looking into his large, green eyes.

"I know that it was my fault that our pup was killed. I tried making the perfect life for you, because that's exactly what you deserve. But I fucked up, and I ruined your innocence. I felt guilty, for being the one who killed your pup, for being the one who took your naivety way and for marrying you in the way I did".

"You regret marrying me?" I squealed, sitting up and allowing the covers to fall away from me.

"Gemini, calm down. I don't regret meeting you, or marrying you, or falling for you. I just wish I hadn't have pushed it so much, maybe then you'd be happier. I was feeling guilty, after the pup died, because I realised that if I hadn't pressured you for children, then none of this would have happened".

Layton ran a hand down his face, groaning softly as he sat up next to me. "If I was given a choice Layton, I wouldn't change our time together. Every bad bit, every good bit, it brought us to here – so, please don't think like that. We're together because we love each other, don't make it sound like you forced me to love you, because I did that all by myself".

Once Layton had gone to work, I went down into his study and got his work phone. I called Valentine, he answered after a few moments. "Alpha Asenda speaking" he chirped.

"Valentine, it's Gemini" I replied. I hadn't talked to Valentine since I left his pack, after my miscarriage.

"Gemini, how are you? How have you been?" he asked instantly. I told him the truth, and we spoke a little bit about mundane topics, before we got to the real subject.

"Gemini, as much as I love chatting to you – and I really do, you know that – I happen to have a job to do. And I also happen to know that you didn't call to chat about how Evan is getting on at med school" he laughed. I could imagine his sly, amused, smirk on his beautifully sculptured face.

"If Layton challenges Thomas, and it goes ugly, will you stand with us?" I questioned. I was nervous, that Layton would try and battle Thomas; and I didn't want to lose him or anyone in the Pack.

"You're both family, of course I will stand by you. I hope it doesn't come to that, but if it does, you can count on me". I could hear the soft frown in his words; like me he didn't want Layton to battle. But like me, he knew that Layton did whatever Layton wanted.

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