Second Chances

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                                                                A New Life to Live  For
                                                                 Deacon  L. Garucino
                          Seventeen year old motor cross all time Winne  Jacob Daniel Del La Fuentes had it  all,  A perfect  fiancee  a brother, a family to belong too, until one horrifing even, something badly occured, he's been gunned down  by two thugs  that robbed him  at  The Florida Racetrack late one  evening.
         Now  a month  has passed and he's back from the dead with a new life and a immortal life, when he saves Ambery Romano,  Zoryan's baby sister from  near death  realizing that  he has a new life and Love to live for as he makes Amberly his new life and  love  the reason  for him to live ........

"We  immortals have reasons why we hide,  we hide from the earth, the people, we are the children of the Night, we are the protectors of The Night, We are the ones whom protect the ones we love and that we call family. " .........Melissa Hernandez

  I  never knew  that my  world  would turn  upside down by becoming an Immortal,


Chapter One :
   Motor  Cross  Jacob Dela Fuentes now stood  atop of the sandy dunes of the Santa Ana beach as he sighed.
there he  looked around as he saw a  elderly couple  sitting  at a bonefire, holding hands , laughing, singing with family.  he smiled as he  heard his cellphone now rang. he managed  to open his phone as he noticed that  it was his big brother Ryan calling as he now groan. .."great" he mumbled.,

"Hello Javier " answered jacob
" Hey "J", Gideon is looking for you,Where are you? asked Ryan.
" Tell Gideon I went MIA," answered  Jacob

"I HEARD THAT!" yelled out Gideon.

Jacob  now groaned hearing his manager's voice.

"God Damn it  javier get me off the  damn speaker  fool" snapped Jacob as his brother was now cracking up seeing his little brother's manager  struggling with a naked  blow up doll . as we went back to talk to his brother on the phone. "Well , whats the verdict?"Ryan asked 

"What verdict Ryan?....."questioned Jacob as he heard his brothers laughter.
"Aww, come on baby brother you know who i am talking about, I know you love her, give her time to respond for her answer" 
" She said Yes," Jacob smiled .

"Are you serious,! Wow, "Ryan yelled out , "MY BABY BROTHER IS GETTING MARRIED! " 

"Congratulations baby bro, Come on back We will meet you  at the track 

"You better tell your  kid brother to get his ass back to the track now!" yelled Gideon.

"Alright, alright, hey bro  Gideon said to get your ass back out  to the track right now"

Yea yea, i on my way back now,  tell Gideon he's an ass" said Jacob as he now laughed as he hung up his cellphone  and drove off from the parking lot of the miami Beach as he  headed to the  motorcycle race track.

Ryan hung up his phone as he was laughing still  looking over to Gideon.

javier now laughed as he looked over to  Gideon whom was now fighting with  blown female doll...."Dude , what the Hell?!"

Javier now cracked up  as he watched his kids brother manager  as he struggled with the blown up female doll  as his face turned red..

"Uh Javier , whats going on?" Jacob now asked

"No..nothing , just get back to the track bro" javier laughed hard as he quickly hung up the phone .

"you are laughing what did he say?"

"He told me to tell you that  you are an ass" Grinned Ryan as he saw  Gideon's reaction with his etes wide ..was hit with the blown up doll as they  began to wrestle  and laughing at the same time .

"OW! OW!, Hey  Do not his the messenger I was just told to say what he said I only repeated his words!!" laughed Ryan as he now tackled down Gideon as they were both now laughing.

Jacob drove thru the sunset as he came to a hault at a red light, he took a quick look at his  watch as it now read  seven thirty. he moaned as he was suppose to be at the racetrack along time ago. the light now turned green as he now raced thru the streets as his mp3 player  played "Smack Dat" by Akon,  as he finally arrived  at the track as he  noticed no one was around.
"Great, just Great" he now mumbled to himself  as he rubbed his  temples and turned his head as he came  face to face with a stoeger cougar 8000 in his face  as he quickly raised his hands as he looked over to the two thugs as the third  thug held a Taurus PT 1911  also  in his face.

"Woa, Woa dude"  Whispered Jacob  as he watched the three guys  that surrounded him as he looked around. "Slowly  get off the bike Kid" said the third Thug  as he now watched  Jacob now moving off his bike as the second thug reconized him.

"Hey  your that  seventeen year old  Jacob Conelly, woa dude guess what you are Dead!" said thug two as he  shot Jacob at close range with his Taurus PT 1911 , watching him  fall onto his back   onto  the wet grounds as he was now  gasping  for air  as he began choking with his own blood as tears trickled down his cheeks. as they  just watched him taking his last breath whispering his brother's name ...."Ryan" as he died.

"Get the Bike. lets go Hurry!" snapped thug 1 as he now leaned down beside Jacob  as he watched him carefully. 
"Whoo hooo!oh Yea!" Cheered Thug 2  as he quickly moved onto  the bike as he now drove off.

Meanwhile Back  at the Motel across the street from the Race Track .....

  Ryan now paced back and Forth wondering where  his baby brother  could be at,  as Gideon suddenly spoke. " Quit pacing  Ryan you are making me  dizzy" Gideon said as he sighed.

"Sorry Gid, but something isn't right" Whispered Ryan as he now sighed reaching for  his jacket as he mumbled "I'm going to the race track , " he quickly walked out  as he now ran   to the elevator   with Gideon  right behind him "Damn it Ryan wit I'm coming with you ! " Yelled Gideon as he  entered the elevator as it now shut its doors. "Dammit Ryan" said Gideon as he was out of Breath.

Ryan   ran out of the hotel as he paused, there he seen a ambulance at the race track as he  quickly  ran thru  security, he suddenly stopped as he seen two paramedics now looking  over  to the corpse, as he now walked his way over to the body  as he was suddenly tackled down as he was now yelling. "NO! LET ME GO I GOTTA SEE, PLEASE! I gotta see if that's my baby brother, " Cried Ryan as he now begged.  JAKE!!! No Please  please I  beg you let me see if its my brother 


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