Chapter 3

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Charles pov
"I told you Erik, I don't think we should risk it." I say.
"Come on! It would be good for all those people to have a training exercise. We could go scout the Founders base to make sure the war is really over." He says.
"Some of the Xmen aren't ready for that. They haven't been in a war." I say.
"Charles, I'm starting to think that drug messed up your brain."
"It did not. Erik....that drug that I was on for my legs, it helped me not have to deal with what I lost. took the things that meant the most to me." I say.
"Maybe you should have fought harder for them." He states.
I hear a knock on the door and its Jean. "Leave Erik, I'll talk to you later. And don't eat everything in the fridge, no one has gone to the store yet this week."
"Charles, I wanted you to come down to the infirmary for a physical. Everyone when they got back did." Erik leaves and I'm alone with Jean.
"I know I just...has to deal with Erik, and think about something for a while." I say.
"Well if you need to let it out, I'm sure Logan could lend you a punching bag." Jean says trying to keep a straight face. I end up smiling and letting out a little laugh. "Come on let's get you down to the infirmary." Jean says opening the door. I really hate doctors sometimes. "Fine. I have to get back to work though..." I get cut off by Jean. "You're going to rest afterwards, I know you, you probably haven't slept in 2 days."
I don't argue and go for my physical.
Logan, Gazzy, and Iggy were down in the infirmary as well. Logan was getting a bullet taken out of him, he says it was a training exercise with Erik. Those to working together is something I thought would never happen, especially since Logan would most likely behead Erik before getting to far in cooperation. Gazzy was talking with Iggy about a bomb they could make to protect the campus.
It's not like I can do the treadmill or bicycle, so I'm stuck just getting my heart, lungs, and the rest of the works done. Finally Jean tests my abilities, "Freeze time." I did. "Go into my mind and find when I was a kid." I did. "Where is Max?" That is the last question and I search around the campus in my mind and see her talking to Fang in the main living room. "She's in the living room."
"Good job, you passed the physical with a perfect A." She says marking it on a clipboard.
Then she forces me to go back to my room and get some sleep.

Max pov
"Ready?" Fang asks me when I get down to the living room. "Yeah." I say. He takes me out to the garage and he pulls from the corner a black, Harley motorcycle. "Your joking." I say.
"Logan let me borrow it." He says helping me on. "He didn't break anything? He obviously didn't kill you? What did you do?" I ask.
"I asked, nicely, and he let me borrow it for the night. The only thing he actually did was threaten me that if I bring it back with scratches or it is destroyed I will be skinned alive. " He says seriously. "I'm impressed." I say. "Let's go, I told Logan I would be back by 12." He says. So we leave, I hope I'm not wrong about this date and also that Logan doesn't skin Fang alive if something happens.
We arrive at the diner at 9 and get a seat. It's not packed at all so we get our food not that long after we order. "Ok so this is going to be very hard for me, I'm not the best at apologizing. I want to say that I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you, I'm sorry I hurt you when Magneto made me into his zombie. I know that you might never forgive me for this but I want you to know....that I'm so dang sorry Max." He concludes. I look him in those dark eyes of his and then say "I forgive you, you big antisocial whack job." He lets me rub his head and mess up his hair and then we finish talking by talking about the war, impending doom, and if maybe, just maybe we could be more than friends.

Ok so I felt bad I haven't posted in a while so here, two chapters in under two days. Hope you like it, please favorite if you enjoyed all the Fax parts:)

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