Chapter 8

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Angel pov
I wake up to darkness. I hear a click and see a blinding white light shining in my eyes. My vision is a little blurry but is slowly coming back into focus. "Nu nu nu , izvestnyy Angel Ride." (Translation-Well well well, the famous Angel Ride.) My Russian wasn't the best but I manage to say "Kto ty?" (Translation- Who are you?)
"Vy mozhete skazat', chto ya vash khudshiy koshmar . Ya chelovek, kotoryy pytayetsya nayti vas v techeniye dlitel'nogo vremeni."
(Translation- You could say I am your worst nightmare. I am a man who has been trying to find you for a long time now.)
He was right about that statement because for the next two years I've been interrogated, beaten, and experimented on. I am 10, a kid who has had to go through more than any person in a lifetime. My Russian is spot on now and I can speak it like I was born here. For the past few months have been helping people escape from this torture place, you're probably wondering, "If people have escaped here, why don't you escape!?" Well my friend, there are people here who have been here way longer than me. I'm going to help them get out first. The last escape will be tomorrow at dawn. There will be 5 kids plus me escaping. Security has gotten much stricter and tonight I'm being dragged down the hall to solitary confinement. I've been in solitary confinement five times over the past two years because I've been a suspect for helping kids escape. I've tried calling for help in my mind when I first arrived here but quickly learned that these walls had something in them that stopped me from using my telepathy. If I tried so much as to tell someone something in my mind, I get feed back that causes me to have a headache for days. I can't believe that I'm not dead yet. I've had my fair share of battle scars over the past two years. I have scars that run all along my back and arms, a scar wear my shoulder never healed properly from a bullet wound, a scar running down my leg wear someone did a bad patch up job on my leg to get that bullet wound out two years ago, and multiple bruises and scrapes on my face and hands. My face is dirty and pale. I haven't seen sunlight in years. I need to get my rest up for tomorrow. The plan is to escape from the building, scale the 10 foot wall, get past security, then head northeast towards the capital. There I will catch a boat with my friends and get back to America. We will most likely end up in Canada where I will have to trek through the mountains to get to New York. There I will find the mansion, gosh knows what lies ahead. What has my friends and family done since I've been gone, do they think I'm dead? Alive? I'll find out soon enough.

Charles pov
The past two years have been action packed. I have tried hundreds of way to find Angel, but with no luck. Max and her flock have come to face the worst, that she died. I still can't believe it though. I still feel her presence out there, somewhere. Max comes into my office and says "Hey professor."
"What can I help you with Max?"
"I was wondering if you and Jean could keep a eye on Ronnie while I'm gone? Fang is heading off to Washington tomorrow to hep stop some of the humans that are tying to cause havoc on mutants and I'll be going to search for Angel again."
"Sure, Max...I know you think Angel is still out there somewhere but, we might have to start facing the fact that she may be dead."
She doesn't say a word and just walks out.

Max pov
Over the past two years Fang and I got married, and now have our first kid. Ronnie Angel Ride. She is 2, but already a genius. Logan is like a uncle to her and has been her mentor ever since she was born. She knows math that kids wouldn't know her age until they are in high school, she can run back and fourth faster than any human alive. Well not as fast as me, but pretty close. I have to say that Ronni's power is incredible. She doesn't just have all Fang and I's abilities, she is telepath. We don't know how it happened but we are both sad and grateful. Ronnie is the best thing that ever happened to us. "Momma, momma momma!" I here little Ronnie yell coming down the hall. "Hey kiddo." I say smiling and getting down on my knees so that I can talk to her better. "Logan taught me dis." She says. Then she whistles. It was cute but then a puppy came barreling forward down the hall. Oh no Logan, you did not get her a puppy. It was a German Shepherd, but the thing that stood out the most was its blue eyes. "See, see, see!"
She says smiling. "Yeah. I'm gonna go talk to Logan, why don't you go take your puppy outside to play."
"I wanna name her Shadow." She says and then walks off.
"I can't believe you got her a puppy!" I yell at Logan when I get to the kitchen.
"Actually it was your husbands idea, I just found the dog."
"Fang!" I yell when he walks into the kitchen. It's about 8AM and he's all sleepy eyed.
"What the heck did I do?" He mumbles out.
"You agreed to get Ronni a puppy."
"I thought it would be a good gift for her, I'm going away for 3 months. She needs something to keep her occupied." Then he grabs his orange juice and sits down next to Logan. I throw my hands up. I tried. I went off to the new jet to go with Storm. We knew the new rules so we asked the professor to talk to the president in Russia and see if we can fly over a certain area to check for someone. Low and behold we found out we could. It better be alright or we will get shot out of the sky. It takes 5 hours to get to the Ural Mountains. we scout for hours and hours but with no luck. Come on baby where are you? We head back to the mansion, knowing that maybe the professor was right. Maybe Angel is gone.

Angel pov
The time is 5AM. I am escorted out of solitary confinement and back into my old cell. There I am greeted by my five friends who will help in the escape. I could probably call for help once we get out of Russia but it's to risky, I don't want to draw attention to us and I'm worried something will happen if Jean and Storm came to save me. They have been shooting jets and planes out of sky here in Russia in fear that a mutant has come or has escaped.
So here I am, picking a lock. The guards aren't paying attention because they are playing some game called Russian roulette across the hall, except instead of regular fake guns, they are using guns that have electricity in them. I just saw two guys get electrocuted before my eyes and yet they still play. "Got it." I say under my breath. I sneak out along with the 5 others and down to the hall. I take out two guards without any of the alarms going off and then I start to bolt. I spoke to soon, the alarms started going off as we started scaling the wall. "Move faster!" I yell to my friends, sadly one slips on the rope and falls, the dogs attacking him. All the rest of my friends look at me terrified, "Don't worry just keep climbing." I say still calm. You can't escape if you are scared, it will cloud your judgement. We get over the wall and there are 5 bicycles on the other side that a guard who is on our side out for us here. We start to bike onwards, hoping that the guards wouldn't catch up to us as fast. By the time we got to a safe distance it was night time. I'm finally free, I'm coming home. We had gotten back to the capital and stayed the night at a small campground for visitors. The next morning we got up, had McDonalds for breakfast and jogged through town to the boat that would take us back to America. Only one problem, they didn't buy that I was American because I didn't have a passport. So we ended up stowing away on the ship without them knowing. It took us 4 weeks before we got to Nova Scotia, Canada. When I reached Canada, I knew I was close. I could smell something in the air that reminded me of home. All my friends were worn out and exhausted, but me, I was full of energy, for the first time in years. We hiked through the woods and finally reached New York by nightfall. "It's just a short walk from here guys, please we can do it! We are strong, once we get to the mansion we can all just collapse on the ground, but we aren't safe yet." I state. They all moan and groan but we make it. It's the happiest feeling in the world, I knock on the door, not knowing what to expect. I hear the door open and there, standing in front of me is Jean. Her face is shocked and she pretty much faints. Well so much for a warm welcome.

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