The Tour begins

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"MITCH LETS GO! THEY ARE GOING TO BE HERE IN 5MINS!!" "I KNOW IM COMING NOW I JUST NEED TO GET ONE THING !" let me introduce myself My name is Michelle Violet Accord and I'm the guitar tech for my brothers band Issues yeah my brothers are Ty and Sky accord I look more like Ty than anyone . We're touring with my best friends Austin , Alan, Jordan , Oli, Andy ,Andy ,Ben and Toni . "GIRRLLLLL HOW IS YOU BEES "Tyler yelled as he picked me up and spun around. I laughed "I'm good " ."GIVE ME MY PANDABEAR TYLER !" Michael exclaimed ."GET YOUR ASSES ON THE BUS BEFORE WE ARE LATE!" The tour manager stated . "AYE SIR !" the three of us yelled as we got settled in the guys had a short band meeting . "You know Ghost Town and Crown the empire is joining us on this tour and they need a guitar tech cause theirs called in sick ?" I slowly turned " 5,4,3,2,....." They slowly counted as I screamed at one

"OMG I GET TO MEET KEVIN AND MANNY ! UGH HIS HAIR AND EYEBROWS AND MANNY'S DRUMMING SKILLS KILL!" Oh forgot to mention I'm a drummer too but only for fun I sometimes do it for the bands when they need a replacement I did it for motionless in white a few years back and became best friends with Ricky and Chris . " OK well guys get some rest we are going to be sharing a bus with 2 other bands and we are getting the new bus after we get CTE and Ghost so have most of your stuff packed " our manager said "Mitch , Tyler and Michael don't be so loud OK ?" We nodded our heads as the guys sent to their bunks we ran to the back locking it so no one can get in. "OK Mitch let's see them I know what happened so let's get this over with" I sighed and slowly took my shirt off and pants and showed them my scars . they both gasped as I pulled my clothes back on I silently cried and fell to the ground Michael picked me up and hugged me . "Mitch why did you do this I though after it happened you got help?" Tyler asked rubbing my back . "I did but only one day I felt that she was judging me and everyone hated me cause I put their
beloved football player and his friend in jail but no the person who was raped get bullied and people saying she liked it she dated him once shes mad they broke up well in not and I was sick Tyler . no one wanted to talk to me and they hurt me and harassed me. " I said crying "Shhh. Its OK but call us next time and we'll come ." "OKAY LETS HAVE A HARRY POTTER MARATHON !" Tyler yelled making me smile "I'll get blankets, Tyler gets food and Mitch get the movies and put the first it ." Michael said after we got situated we watched them and by 3 I was slowly dosing off.

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