The Rock Show

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I woke up and looked at my phone for the time 8:20 "UGH!!!" I yelled
- [ ] "Come on you slept long enough we got a sound check to get to and signing " Michael yelled .I got up and ran into Kevin "Hey we really need to stop running into each other so much " he said smiling "Yea we really do good morning " I said looking down "AWWW LOOK GUYS MICHELLE IS BLUSHING " Taddie yelled from his bunk making everyone awe as Kevin laughed and I glared at him "I'm not afraid to kick your ass again Taddie bear " I said giving a sweet sadistic look walking backwards into the bathroom . After I got dressed and was ready I grabbed a pop tart and looked back into the box "Ok why are half of my pop tarts missing if I had 3 packs ??" I yelled looking around "We don't know " Manny said  looking at his phone smiling " seriously I bought these and would like to know who wants to get a beat down " I said with m hands on my hips "Check the back lounge ask the guys back there " Tyler said   Looking at his phone , I sighed and walked to the very back "OKAY WHICH ONE OF YOU DO I-" I can't finish my sentence cause in ambushed by 15 men "MICHELLE " I look up to see my best friends Austin ,Ben ,James , Tino and next to me Alan "GUYS HEY I NEED AIR" I said being hugged to death by the guys after a few seconds they finally let go "Whats going in my little hatefuck " Ben said as we sit down Kevin and Tyler walk in sitting with us me on Kevin's lap "Oh you know trying to make sure these idiots don't kill each other what about you and how come I haven't met Denis yet ," I said "Well you never come to visit me so you never met him but he's on our bus how's the single life my Pringles" he said smirking "AH SHE ANIT A PRINGLES SHES A BAG OF LAYS CAUSE SHES GETTIN LAID " Tyler yelled making me blush and turn into Kevin's shoulder while everyone laughs "Oh I see Kevoo my boy we have to have a talk my friend " James said as Tino and Austin grab me and lock me outside the back "GUYS PLEASE DONT KILL HIM I ACTUALLY LIKE THIS GUY " I yelled outside smiling at how protective they were being.I walked to the front sitting next to Benn and Brandon as Andy ,Sky ,Aj and Hayden play Mario kart  "UGh I hate you guys sometimes " i said smiling a bit "Why you say that Mitchbear " Andy asked loosing against everyone in 10th place I shrugged " cause you guys are so protective and they are probably scaring Kevin back there" I said as they paused the game "Oh they having the talk with him???" Hayden asked I nod my head just to see all of them run back there to join in leaving me with Aj and Brandon "What you guys not going to torment Kevin "I asked getting a monster " Naw they can handle it plus David went with them and him and your brother are enough " Aj said sitting next to me and Brandon "ugh I don't want him scared " I wined shaking me head . Next thing I know Kevin walks into the living room area red and not looking at me with the guys laughing their asses off " What did you guys do to him" I asked giving Kevin a hug glaring at the guys "oh relax we just asked him a few questions and gave him some threats you know what brothers do " Andy said smirking "and telling him to wear protection " Ben said smiling "Ben I'm gonna ki-" I said before our manger walks out "Alright we got a show to do " Max said clapping him hands all the guys go out as I hold Kevin back a bit " hey what did those  idiots do to you "I said grabbing his hands " nothing just it's really weird they just threatened me then made jokes about needing to restock on condoms and stuff like that and it just felt really weird " Kevin said looking at our hands " aw babe I'm sorry for them " I said hugging him " it's no problem I get it but lets go do a show " Kevin said kissing my cheek .We walked into the venue and I went to the guitars for issues ,crown and ghost making sure they were in tune and ready when the go on as Kevin was warming up seeing as he's first " Ahh the woman of the hour ,your not pregnant are you ?" I heard a familiar British voice say behind me  "no but I know someone who's about to not have any and his name Ben " I said turning around "Hey! I need this it comes with the whole package " he said pouting " Yea but where's my receipt so I can return it and get a refund " i said with a smirk as I heard someone laughing from behind Ben "Wow so rude I was going to introduce you to Denis but seeing as I need to be return-" I cut him off by jumping on him " IM SORRY BENJI I LOVE YOU SOOOOK MUCH CAN YOU PLEASE INTRODUCE ME AND YOU BE MY FAVORITE MEMBER OF ASKING" I said hugging him from behind "Sure , Wait if I'm not your favorite member then who is " Ben asked hurt " Easy , James " I said while Ben put a hand over his heart " wow much hurt so wow " I laugh with Denis as he comes up to greet me "Denis meet everyone's baby sister Ms.Michelle Accord or should I say Mrs.Michelle Ghost " Ben said smirking . I swear " hi Michelle I'm Denis " he said holding out his hand , I grabbed him an pulled him into a hug " Oh Denis my boy we hug no formal crap and call me Mitch " I said hugging him still "well it's a pleasure to meet you finally after hearing your name from every band " he said as we let go me ,Ben and Denis talk until I hear stage call meaning ghost town was about to play and I need to go to stage " well I got a job to do but it's was cool talking to your Denis see ya Ben  " I said  hugging both of them as I get to the stage I see Kevin doing vocal warm ups and stretching . I go and sit on the empty cases "Hey kiss for good luck ?" Kevin asked putting his hands on both sides of my hips " Sure " I said grabbing his face kissing him , we kiss for about 20 seconds before pulling back smiling " Lets go Kevin your on " our manager said I stood up a walked to the stage as the boys run of on stage "WASSSUP ALANTA "Kevin yelled into the mic getting a response of screams from fans their set list was universe ,acid ,that's usual ,I'm a disaster and ended with your so creepy "How was that Michelle " manny asked drinking water and wiping off sweat " it was great " I said to them "hey Kevin you wanna watch the rest of the guys with me , i mean you don't have to I was just asking cause I -" " of course I'll watch them with you I can't have you here with out your protector " Kevin said winking and kissed my cheek as he changed his shirt crown and issues came up as they were next " okay guys who we doin this for " Andy asked "Mitch get your booty over here" David yelled  I gave Kevin a kiss on the cheek before running to guys " Okay I'm here NOW WHO WE DOIN THIS FOR " "TUPAC " "WHO" "TUPAC " "NOW LETS GO A HAVE A KICK ASS SHOW" I yelled slapping my hands together making a loud clapping noise in the middle of their set I feel someone hug my from behind I turn to see its just Kevin "sorry to scare you " he said giving me a quick peck "it's fine " I said turning to see the guys end the set with machines and come off stage hugging me "Ewww get your sweaty asses off of me before I kick your asses "  I said trying not to smell their stench . As the night continued issues went on then Asking and closing the night was Of mice as we were finishing up we all went to our tents to meet some fans "Are you and Mitch dating " one girl asked him "Yea we are " Kevin said kissing my cheek "Aww I ship you guys " she said " oh we all do they are so cute it's sick "Benn said as I threw my bottle cap at him " hey ! That's not cool " he yelled pouting " aw does princess baby Benn need a hug "  I asked in a baby voice "yes " he said holding his arms out to me I hugged him as everyone was laughing . after a few hours we were done and walking back to the buses " well I'm going to take a shower if anyone walks in I will kick your manhood into your throat " I said getting my stuff together after everyone showered we stopped at McDonald's to get some food " i just want nuggets and tea thanks " I told my brother sitting at the table on my laptop tweeting fans back as they tweeted about this tour when I got about twenty minutes the came back with the food and we ate watching adventure time re runs "IM A TOUGH TOOTIN BABY I CAN SHAKE LIKE A MAN I CAN SHAKE MY PHANNY !!" I sang with Finn as everyone was looking at me "what its a good song " I said pouting as we were finishing and going to bed it was just me and Kevin up " hey Mitch you wanna go into my bunk with me and watch Totoro "Kevin asked "Yea I love that movie " I said as he grabbed my hand a pulled me into the bunks "hey I don't wanna hear any funny business got it " I hear sky yell from his bunk "Aye sir love you bro "I yelled back climbing over Kevin into this bunk " love you too sis " as we watch Totoro I can't help be dose off and go to sleep holding Kevin

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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