Memories of a broken heart

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We walked around the area and found a Taco Bell . " Kevinnnn can we go in please ?!" I asked giving him a puppy face " ugh fine but stop making that face it's too cute." I stopped and walked into Taco Bell and ordered 3 beefy cheese burritos , chiros ,and a baha blast . Kevin got the same but steak . "$7.58 please " I reached for my wallet but Kevin beat me " you know I could have paid for my stuff right " " yeah but it's the gentlemen thing to do " he said as we were handed out food " you wanna go sit on the beach ?" I asked him getting napkins "sure its quitter and I can talk to you about you " as we when down I started feeling like I was being watched by someone I don't know who though as we got down the the beach we went to sit down " So Mitch Ty said you Ex was horrible what happened ?" My breath hitched and all the memories started flooding back and I started to shake "MITCH ! MITCH ! HEY !!" Kevin screamed I realized that I wasn't with HIM anymore "uh oh sorry umm yea well it started out with us being in love I thought he was the one but I should have known since he was a jock and I had been an emu kid with problems . Well when we first started dating he was my everything I told him things i didn't even tell my best friend Alex and Jack then 2 years later or Senior year he started getting really close in my personal space, he didn't let me go out with my friends cause they were guys, I wasn't allowed to talk to my brother , I had to wear what he approved of and then I wasn't allowed to live with my family for the rest of high school . One day he just snapped and came home from football practice pissed .
*flashback *
I was sitting in the kitchen cooking and doing homework when Craig came in from practice " hey Craig how was practice ?" I asked nicely " you stupid ******** I know you went to that *** concert without me and I know you saw you r ego friends and I know that you **** every single one of them so you need to be taught a lesson " he grabbed me by my hair a pulled me down towards the basement " Craig stop please it hurts I didn't go. Out and I didn't tell anyone I swear " yea ? Then why did your brothers and Alex come up to me asking if I was beating you !?!?!" I started to shake " Now I have to teach you how to listen to me when I. Tell you not to do something " he grabbed me by the neck and force me to kiss him ". You little ***. I'll teach you " he then started moving down towards my pants as I wiggled out of his grip he slapped me and slapped me harder every time I tried moving out of his grip he finally got my pants off and his and then entered my I screamed for help " no one can hear you and no one will care " he told me I just laid there crying my eyes out . The next few months I was raped and abused. When finally my brothers came over to Check up on me . "MITCH MITCH WHERE ARE YOU !?!?" I tried screaming for them but Craig punched me in the stomach then stabbed me in the side and stomach . " AHHH !!!" I screamed as Ty ,sky, and Alex barged threw the door as Sky and Alex jumped on Craig to and beat him Ty came and picked me up will calling the police . 1 month later Craig is in Jail , I was pregnant with Craig's child but am glad it died so it won't deal with Craig's abuse , at school I'm called Mitch the bitch cause Craig is in jail and ended up being homeschooled when Ty and Sky *end of flashback *
"And that's what he did I haven't dated for 2 years because I'm scared and haven't found the one I mean friends try setting me up but then I would get scared and cancel " I said looking down. I was then hugged by Kevin " your an amazing, beautiful , talented chick and who ever you like I hope you guys date " I looked up in his eyes with tears in mine and leaned in with him. And we kissed after we pulled back I looked into Kevin's eyes again " look Michelle I like you , a lot and I know you like someone else but hear me out ..."
*kevins pov*
" I have liked you since I first laid eyes on you at the airport and as we got to know each other I realized you were just perfect , sure you have a terrible pass but I don't care I like you hell IM in love with you . So what I'm trying to say is would you Michelle Accord please do the honors of being my girlfriend and making me the happiest man in the world ." As I looked at Mitch I saw tears in her eyes . Dammit I made her cry great "Kevin of course I'll be happy to be yours only if you promise not to hurt me or anything like that " I grabbed her and hugged the hell out of her " I promise thank you . Thank you . THANK YOU!! " I then put her down and we continue eating and walking around til we find a mall. " hey let's get some ghost town merch from hot topic ?!" Mitch yelled " sure lets get some and then sign them " we went into the store and a girl around 14 looked like she was about to piss her self " hey I'm Kevin and this is Mitch " I told her " You ... You .your .....and your ... OMG " she stuttered " would you like us to sign your bag ?" Mitch asked " ummm please and thank you " we signed her bag and took pictures with her then continued signing things from ghost town and issues then walked around a bit after we got our shirts . We went back to the bus after 2 hours " well this was a fun date " Mitch said " yeah it was next time it will be better and planned " I said and kissed her cheek and like the gentleman I am I opened the door for her
* mitch Pov.*
As I walked on the bus I saw Benn and Andy smirking along with my brother , Michael and Ty . " Do you have something to tell me Mitch ?!" They asked " Ummm nope not that I know of " I said walking away from that room " GOOD NIGHT GUYS IM GOING TO BED !!" As I go to bed the guys come to the back " Mitch just know we are going to have a little chat with Kevin in the morning good night dummbutt " my brother and Michael said . Oh god this should be interesting .
~ hey so sorry for not updating I'll try to do better and quick question what other band should be in this story and if you want a character DM me on here ~

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