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heiheiiii. wkwkk maaf aku baru update yahh hihihi.aku mau ngasi info buat selanjutnya pov nya pake aku-kamu yaa a.k.a bukan gue elo. tapi kalo ngomongnya tetep gue-elo. oke? soalnya agak aneh gimana gitu hehe. makasih buat yg udah setia nungguin aku update & setia baca ffku ini T,T :'D

Aku membalikkan badan dan menuju kamar buat istirahat atau sekedar duduk-duduk.

aku ngerasa seneng akhir-akhir ini. mungkin selama ini ada yang nemenin atau hibur aku? entahlah. tapi, setiap bareng greyson aku ngerasa nyaman aja. ya dia cuman 'temen' dan gak lebih.



aku mengambil ponselku yang bergetar dan membuka aplikasi bbm.

rupanya greyson mengingat janjinya untuk bbm-an denganku haha.



kebiasaan deh, di setiap kita bbm-an selalu begitu.



absurd banget kan.


nah biasanya aku jawab dengan 'O' bila obrolannya mulai garing dan apalah gitu

dan aku abaikan balesan dari dia karena membosankan?ya. kadang waktu ketemu dia asyik banget tapi waktu di bbm/sms sumpah garing banget. menurutku sih. haha

Aku menancapkan headset kesayanganku ke ponselku dan memutar lagu-lagu di playlist.

You're like perfection, some kind of holiday
You got me thinking that we could run away
You want I'll take you there,
You tell me when and where,
Oh oh oh oh

But then I asked for your number,
Said you don't have a phone
It's getting late now,
I gotta let you know

That everybody wants to take you home tonight
But I'm gonna find a way to make you mine

Don't stop doin' what you're doin'
Every time you move to the beat
It gets harder for me
And you know it, know it, know it
Don't stop 'cause you know that I like it
Every time you walk in the room
You got all eyes on you
And you know it, know it, know it

You're coming close now, swear I can taste it,
You got me tongue tied, I can't escape it
I'm loving what you got,
But then you push me off,
Oh oh oh oh

And everybody wants to take you home tonight
But I'm gonna find a way to make you mine

Don't stop doin' what you're doin'
Every time you move to the beat
It gets harder for me
And you know it, know it, know it
Don't stop 'cause you know that I like it
Every time you walk in the room
You got all eyes on you
And you know it, know it, know it

Every day it's the same love and games that you play
Back and forth, round and round, kinda like it this way

Don't stop doin' what you're doin'
'Cause every time you move to the beat
It gets harder for me
And you know it, know it, know it
Don't stop 'cause you know that I like it
Every time you walk in the room
You got all eyes on you
And you know it, know it, know it, know it

Don't stop (don't stop, stop what you're doing) doin' what you're doin'
'Cause you know that, you know that I like it
Every time you move to the beat
It gets harder for me
And you know it, know it, know it
Don't stop, 'cause you know that I like it (you know that I like it)
Every time you walk in the room
You got all eyes on you
And you know it, know it, know it
-Don't Stop : 5 Seconds of Summer-

FALSEHOOD!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang