Chapter 11 - Why?!

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Niall POV 

i ran out of the dressing room, not wanting to cry infront of the boys, i feel so broken inside, unwanted, alone....i ran to the top floor of the Hotel and onto the roof..i saw Harry running behind me but i doubt he saw me come up here..oh my..Why?? what does it have to be Harry that she loves, i didn't even have a chance...she chose him because he paid attention,acted like he wanted around,because he's the reason she even got to know us...oh how i wish that was me, she is the most amazing girl i've ever met...i hear the roof door open i look round..its Harry...the last person i want to see, "Hey Niall" "what do you want" i say plainly "look Niall i didnt-" "i dont want to hear it " "just hear me out Niall" i sigh and turn around to look at him."No you listen to me!" i yelled and i walked one step closer "i told you a secret, remember that Harry" Harry nods at me looking down "i gave you my trust, i chose to tell you, i let my feelings out to you, but for what, for you to use to get to her? i dont recall saying that" i say not far from him now my face going red "Niall im sorr-" "Im not finished" i push him to the ground..and pinned him down there..


we went back to our suite and we could here banging from on the roof "hey Zayn any idea what that noise is" Zayn looks up "No idea Lou" we go and sit down with Liam and the girls "Lou i think i might know what it is" i return the look at him "Niall and Harry" we say in unison we run out the door and onto the roof i can see Niall pinning Harry to the ground looking like he's going to hit him Liam ran up behing Niall and said "don't Niall you will regret it later" Niall's Fist got closer to Harry so Liam grabbed his arm and pulled him off Harry..I Walked over to Haz, helped him up and said "lets get some ice on that" pointing to his bleeding face, Niall had hit him once or maybe Twice already

Liam POV

i take Niall back to the girls suite seen as Harry was in ours "what were you thinking!?" i ask as i sit him on the bed he doesnt rply "go on tell me" he clenched his fist and stood up infront of me "you know hitting me wont solve anything and im not going to leave you alone untill you tell me, you can't ignore it so go on hit me" i unfolded my arms so that he can hit me he sat back down and put his head in his hands i saw a tear drop off his hand followed by more so i sat next to him "c'mon dont cry Ni" i start "tell me about it" i put my arms around him and pulled him into a hug "comfort with Daddy" i rub his back "so what happened?"

i asked and after a few minutes of silence he spoke up "well i like Amelia,alot.and have done since i met her, and Harry knew that, he said he would back off because he gets everyone and i thought it was going okay ya'know i was starting to talk to her more and get to know her but then they announce today that their now a couple... " Niall says putting his head back in his hand "he didnt deserve that punch tho Niall" "and i dont deserve to feel like this but theres nothing we can do about it now is there..." i look at him "everyone gets broken hearts, girls come and go but mates are forever" i say to him "think about it" i walk out the suite and shut the door behind me.

Lou's POV

"you okay Haz?" i ask and i get a few nods in return "i just..i keep thinking..why did i do it Nialls one of my best mates but.." "do what?" i ask confused "well Niall likes Amelia,alot and has done since we met her, and i knew that, i said i would back off because i get nearly everyone and i thought it was okay because Niall barely spoke to her or anything and.."

Harry POV

"Hang on Lou my twitters going off" i loom down at my phone 

"so is she your gf?"

"why her?"

"shes a rat"

"hoe! hell no get away from my Hazz"

"she's really pretty to have her, keep this one haz"

i reply to each tweet in one "her because shes wonderful and yes she is my girlfriend no name calling, if you were true fans of mine you wouldnt care you would want me to be happy xx"

i put my phone away "oh Haz.." i get pulled into a hug by Lou, im glad he's there for me.. "hey lou i think im gonna go to bed i need to rest" i pull outta the hug "alright then Haz night"

Amelia Pov

after all the comotion me and Danielle go to our suite and see Niall sat on our sofa so i run into my room Niall staring at me as i do so..

Danielle POV

we see Niall sat on our couch "hey Niall you can stay in Perries room night her and Zayn said it might be easier for you" i say as i sit next to him and put my hand on his shoulder "thanks Dani im gonna go to bed then, night" "night i call back"

Niall POV

im so glad i dont have to go back to my suite tonight i wanna stay away from Harry its kind of Perrie to swap for the gonna sleep and see what happens tomorrow and for once im not hungry...

Amelia POV 

i hear dani and Niall talk and seen as i dont wanna see Niall right now im gonna go to bed...

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