Chapter 16 - the car ride to Louis's

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Hey guys

sorry i haven't written in a while Ive had my own relationship problems, 

so who's ready for the next chapter ? I know i am!!! ;)

sorry i missed Liam's house i just thought it would make it more intersting, enjoy

~ Amelia xx



it's quiet in the car, no ones talking because of what happened at Zayns , i hope its not like this while we're all at mine. I mean Harry's upset because Amelia wont talk to him, i think Zayns still in shock from yesterday..., Liam and Niall just trying not to get involved i guess, and me..

well I'm upset because the girl i first fell in love with is ignoring my best mate, who she obviously loves which hurts, that when i went and left her for x factor she hurt herself because of could i do that to her!! i told Harry what Amelia wouldn't tell him now hes' trying to get her back I'm going to try and get her to fall for me all over again...wait, i cant do that i had never seen Harry happier he is my best mate...oh what am i supposed to do, help haz or help myself...

my phone buzzes in my pocket ..

hey Lou you seem quiet xx- Amelia 

Hey, I'm just thinking i guess xx 

about what?xx - Amelia

the picture, you and Haz, the pain i caused you..xx

i look up at Amelia i hear her phone go off again, she looks at me, she looks down again and types something..

figured the picture out then? and me and Haz..i just, i want him back but he hurt me and like i said i don't want history repeated...xx - Amelia

i close my eyes the words she said 'i want him back'  they sting like knifes to my skin i open my eyes and look down at my screen 

yeah, i figured it out, why didn't you tell me that it was you?xx

Because i knew if i told you all the feelings that we had would rush back to us..xx- Amelia

what did i could i hurt her like*t i just realised i left her when she was having a hard time..i should of been there!! what did i do!!!

truth is Amelia i got the feelings back when you handed me the picture..and i cant believe i left you!!x

Lou, open your eyes, the boys are staring, Lou i never got rid of them..xx - Amelia

i open my eyes, she's right the boys are looking, i feel tears on my cheek so i look up at Amelia but she's looking down i call to Paul "hey Paul can we stop at the next service station i need a few minutes alone.." Paul looks up at me i think he notices the tear "yeah sure Lou, there's one in a few minutes" i nod i look back at the boys "whats up Lou?" Haz asks i look at Amelia her eyes light up as if to say 'don't say anything' i look back at harry"um nothing Haz, I'm fine"

we pull into the station so i text Amelia 

meet me in the cafe in 2 xx

Amelia POV

meet me in the cafe in 2 xx - Lou

i look at Lou as the car stops he gets out and so do the rest of us "ill be back in a minute " i say to the boys and run off as i see him walk inside, i have to talk to him, i run to the cafe "Lou?" he looks up at me "what did you wanna talk to me about" i ask "well, when you said you never got rid of the feelings, did you mean it " i look down an my hands in my lap and start fiddling about "yes lou i did" i look at him my eyes watering up so i look away as the tear fall's "look at me Amelia, please" i look at him "then why didnt you keep in touch?" he asks holding my hands on the table, his eyes wating up.."because..because when you left it broke my heart and i thought i would be better if we both moved on..." i look out the window then look at our hands "but why harm yourself..?" "because i felt the only way to let go of you was by cutting you out of me.." i see the tears escape his eyes he gets up and quickly knees by me "listen amelia, i don't want to to do it ever again you understand me? i won't leave you unless you tell me too understand?" i look into his eyes "i wont ever hurt you again Amelia and thats a promise" i stand up and so does he i nod and we engrose into a hug "come on we need to go my mum will want us there soon" he says so i nod, he wipes my tears away and i  follow him out side back to the car..i can't believe he just said that to me it now makes me question.. do i love Lou or Harry...?

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