Chapter 15 - Zayns Home Day 2

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Authors Note

Hey guys, just wanted to say anything i say in this about the boys families that's a bit..ya'know isn't true because Ive been getting a lot of bad messages about it.

Anyway on with the story

Hope you enjoy ;)


Amelia POV

I look at the clock it 8am i think its safe for me to get up now, i didn't sleep last night with this Harry thing, i wish i could tell him, its just so hard for me to talk about it...but yet i managed to tell his best mate..what if Lou tells Harry that he knows!! oh, i have to talk to him, no..wait he said he didn't want to talk to me or be with me until i learn to trust him, but i do trust him it was just hard....i..i think i might I'm gonna play him,ill ignore him and not even look at him until he realises how much of a mistake he made...yes!!in short play hard to get anyway i hear the boys going down stairs may as well join them so i walk out my room and down the stairs quietly..i see Lou walk into the kitchen i decide to hold back so i lean against the stairs watching Niall laughing at something Lou said, he's so gorgeous "who is" Lou says looking at me bringing me out of my thoughts, shoot did i say that out loud!!! "um..nobody" i say shaking my head "if you say so, anyway come join us" i nod and walk into the kitchen with them. "morning" Niall calls to me, his accent is to die for...i mean.."morning Niall" i say and go and sit between Lou and Niall and smile at them i glance slightly at Harry..he's looking over at me i feel my phone buzz so i pull my phone out my pocket, its a text...from harry..

We need to talk - Harrymakesmyheartmelt     I need to change that name..

No thanks..

Why not? - Harrymakesmyheartpur

i put my phone away not looking at him and not wanting to reply to his text seen as I'm supposed to be ignoring him i look at Lou he's looking at me confused i shake my head at him i think he shook it off he pulls his phone out looks like he's texting someone seconds later Harry's phone goes off its obvious their texting each other...then lou walks and sits by Liam


i look at Amelia confused she shakes her head at me i think she thinks i shook it off i pull my phone out and decide to text Harry and sit by Liam

Did you ask her to talk?

Yeah she wont talk to me - HazzaBear

well, want me to talk to her, see why she wont talk to you?

Thanks BooBear i owe you one, but i have an idea why, and please don't tell her i know about ya'know the whole Zayn thing - HazzaBear

okay Hazza ill talk to her in a minute 

i open a new text im gonna send one to Amelia 

hey,why wont you talk to Haz?

He said he doesn't want to talk to me until i trust him, and i did trust him, but he broke my heart and now suddenly he wants to talk.... - HazzasGirl

but he didnt mean to hurt you, he just wanted to know why you were upset but you shut him out

So he still hurt me, i wanted to tell him but..i don't know why it was easier to tell you but i guess,like Ive said before..i don't want history to repeat itself - HazzasGirl

i look up at her and she's looking back i can tell theres a tear in her eye waiting to escape

Wanna tell me about it? like i said before I'm always here if you wanna talk..

okay..i guess i can trust you find an excuse to leave and meet me upstairs in 5 - HazzasGirl

 i see her run off upstairs so i text harry back

Haz, I'm gonna meet her upstairs in a minute and talk to her

thanks Boo - HazzaBear

"i just gotta go do something be back in a minute" i say to the boys then run upstairs anxious to see what she's gonna say i get to her door and knock "come in Lou" she says so i open the door to see her sat on her bed looking out the window and i can see that the tear i saw before has escaped her eye followed by more "you alright Amelia" she nods "totally fine" she hides her face..more tears escaping her "oh Amelia tell me whats wrong.." i saw now sat next to her "everything's wrong..."

"okay i know the haz thing but what do you mean you don't want history to repeat itself" she looks at me and into my eyes..." know i trusted Harry, and then i said he broke my heart" i nod slightly confused "well, that's how it started when i was 15, i placed my trust in the boy i loved and he broke my heart.." i look down i don't know why but when she said 'the boy she loved' it hurt "then what happened" i asked "i did thing's.." i look back at her "that's what you said. last time when i walked in on you crying" she nods at me "well you wanna tell me this time round" she looks back into my eyes.."i.."

Amelia's POV

"well you wanna tell me this time round" i looks back into his eyes.."i.." i trusted him and he kept it before should i tell him what i did to myself or should i just show him..."i..well i" i cant tell him "shall i just show you?" he looks down then back at me and nods at me i roll my sleeve up and lift my top up a bit..he starts to stare at the scars on my Arms and stomach.."Amelia did you..." i nod at him...he pulls me into a tight hug..i release all the tears Ive been holding in..."oh Amelia..why?" he asks still holding onto me.."because..because of all the sh*t i was going through..." 


she rolls her sleeves up and lift her top up a bit..i start to stare at the scars on her Arms and stomach.."Amelia did you..." i ask, she nods at me...i pull her into a tight hug..she releases all the tears shes been holding in..."oh Amelia..why?" i asks still holding onto her.."because..because of all the sh*t i was going through..." i close my eyes "why didn't you tell me sooner" " cant say..." i open my eyes again..."why not?" "because of our past" I'm really confused now.."our past?" she shuts her eyes tight "no..Ive said to much already.." i see her pull a box out of her suitcase..she takes a picture of her and a young boy out and passes it to me.."he was my best mate and the boy i first loved who broke my heart might be able to figure it out" she says staring at the picture she gets up and leaves the room..i hear her go down i walk to my room and just sit there staring at the picture...what could this be about i mean she said 'our past' as if she's got it!! the boy in the picture is could i forget her!! .Niall walks into the room and starts packing "hey mate we leave in a hour" i look and nod at him i pack and the car arrives..Liam's now..what could get worse

Amelia POV

I hope Lou figures it out...and soon...

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