Part #9

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George gave a bittersweet smile. They hugged tightly, they may not have seen each other in a long time, but the memories of friendship were still in tact.

Soon after they dislocated from the embrace, Karl joined them. Karl looked a lot younger that Sapnap. He looked about three years older than before George died.

"Hey, Sapn- holy mother of honk! George!" Karl laughed breathlessly. They hugged as well.

"Why are you here?" Karl asked as they released.

"Well..." George explained as best as he could. As he spoke he saw the confusion grow on the other's faces.

Karl gave him a smile of approval. Sapnap put his hand on George's shoulder. "I'm glad you've found someone to love again," Sapnap said.

George blushed slightly. "W-who said I was in love with him!?" George stammered.

Sapnap and Karl laughed. "It's kind of obvious, George," Karl smiled.

"Shut it," George said, jokingly crossing his arms.

Sapnap put his hands up in defense. "Hey, you have no right to talk. Remember when you found out that I liked Karl and you teases me relentlessly for weeks?"

This time George was the one to laugh.

They talked in comfortable camaraderie until something strange happened.

Sorry for such a short chapter!!! I need a little bit of time to do school stuff right now and don't have as much time to write.
Drink some water and get some rest :)
ILY!!! <3

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