Part #23

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This is a lot of dialogue because I STILL WANNA BUILD UP THEIR RELATIONSHIP. Also, I wanted to give more background about Dream's grandma.

In the grand scheme of things, Florida was a rather boring state geographically. It mainly had forest and a few random hills.

The places that weren't covered in hills or fields were busy and crowded with buildings and people busy trying to get to work on time.

Dream and George had been driving for about an hour, and had gotten sick of the radio's poor music and agreed to turn it off. That left with only each other's company and the sound of old drunk men cursing from outside.

"It's a wonder to me why my grandmother decided to live in Florida," Dream said.
"She liked the oceans."
"What-?" Dream was slightly caught off guard by that.
"What's wrong?"
"Sometimes I think I forget about the fact that you knew my grandma."

George must have caught into the sad look in Dream's eyes. It was the same look George had when he used to miss his parents.

"I can tell you about her if you like."
"How well did you know her?"
"I knew her before you did."
"I knew her before you were born."
"That's weird to think about."
"It even weirder when you realize that I watched you grow up and am now the same age as and engaged to you."
"Wait, you saw me when I was a kid?"
"Every time you visited your grandmother."
"Ok, so I know before I was born, but how long before?"
"Before your mom was born."
"That is... a very long time. Can you tell me more about her?"

George smiled and recollected the memories of the woman. "She looked a lot like you when she first moved into the house. Long blonde hair, freckles, and hopeful blue eyes, but she was quiet and shy. She found me while working on the house. She was putting up her library and saw me in the hallway. Scared her half to death, but once things were explained, she got used to me."

George smiled fondly at the old memories. He remembered her kind eyes and smile.

"One of the first things she did was track down my piano. It was being sold for about 2,500 dollars. She managed to get it for 100 by pretending to be a ghost investigator and proving that it was haunted."
"How on earth did she pull that off?"
"She had me play the piano at three A.M. and had a fake ghost detector and had it go off at the same time that I played."
"Wow. She never told me that."
"Would you tell your family if you scammed an old man into lowering the price on a piano?"
"I can see your point."

George looked out the window. He could still recall the exact look of fear in the shopkeeper's eyes as the piano began to play. He also remembered the poor costume Emma had worn.

"Her name was Emmeline, but she always made me call her Emma. She called me Gogy, I really don't know why, but she did."
"What does that even mean?"
"I don't think it ever had a meaning, I think she accidentally called me that one day and just continued to."

Dream smiled, he had never heard any of these stories. He was glad George was able to pass on her stories, even the ones only he knew.

"We're you to close friends or just acquaintances?"
"Considering the fact that she never stopped talking to me. Ever. I think we were fairly close. She told me a lot of things she didn't tell anyone else."
"Like what?"
"Well, I was the first to find out about pretty much every crush she ever had."

A spark lit in Dream's eyes.

"This is going to sound weird, but do you happen to know who my grandfather is?"
"I never met him, but Emma talked about him some. Mainly good things until that night."
"That was awfully cryptic."
"I don't really feel like explaining to you how your mother was conceived."
"You didn't have to listen to it."
"That's-" Dream started laughing, "sorry, that's just- pftt"
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, I had to awkwardly sit upstairs and listen to everything."

Dream managed to contain his laughter and take George seriously again.

"Ok, ok, continue."
"After she found out she was pregnant, Emma told him. He decided he wasn't ready for that responsibility and bailed on her. Dick move. Anyway, your grandma was not going to let that get in her way. She started several jobs and slowly started her own business while sold some of her paintings on the side. I'd help when I could, but it was primarily up to her."
"Mom never told me that."
"She probably didn't know. Emma didn't like talking about herself much."

They had driven rather far by the time George had gotten to the part where Dream was born. It was about midday and the sun was high in the sky.

"Your grandmother absolutely adored you. You were pretty much all she talked about until your younger sister was born. Then you were half of what she talked about."
"What'd she say?"
"It changed over the years. She thought you were absolutely adorable when you were a baby, then you got older she always told me about what you had accomplished. Like when you were first learning to skateboard and she showed me a video of you doing a kick-flip for the first time."
"That's a little weird."
"Yep. I know."

The sun was setting.

"We should probably get to a hotel soon," Dream said.

They found one with an available room and drove there.

When they entered the building, Dream asked for the key for the room they had made reservations for. The person at the front desk gave it to him and allowed them to go to their room.

The room looked like every other hotel. White sheets, pattern carpet, and a TV.

They sat down their bags and Dream laid down on the bed to text his mom while George went out to the balcony.

George leaned against the railings of the balcony. The cool night air filled his lungs. The stars were a lot dimmer due to pollution, but he could still just barely make out a few constellations.

Dream had managed to get his mother on the phone and was talking with her.

"I can't wait to meet him," his mother said.
"Yeah, but um, there's one thing." Dream looked out the window at George, staring at the sky.
"What is it?"
"Please don't mention George's parents."
"If I may ask, why?"
"They passed away when he was younger."
"I'm so sorry to hear that."
"He's moved past it, they were not great people anyways, but he's a little antisocial, so he has a hard time in situations like that."
"I understand, I'll be sure not to mention it."

They talked a little more, said their goodbyes, and hung up.

Dream put his phone on the nightstand and went out to join George.

The glass door shut and George turned to face him.

"Hello." George placed a kiss on Dream's cheek.
"Hey." Dream wrapped his arms around George's waist from behind.

They stood on the balcony just a little longer before going inside together to go to sleep.

Very tired, didn't proofread, sorry.

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