A Dream Walking

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I can't breathe as I introduce myself to the beautiful woman in front of me. Sally introduces herself as my girlfriend. Okay tat is what she is to me. But we aren't serious, but she is pushing for more. But I just don't feel a forever connection to her. We are having fun and she's my girlfriend. She loves the spotlight and the events we attend. But other than that we have little in common except we love sex. I think we are just scratching an itch that needs to be scratched.
I explain to Christian what we have already discussed and we walk around the van and he laughs about the bumpers on the van.
We got them from where the make the bumper cars for amusement parks.my dad and I put them on and upgraded the whole van and then painted the scenes and a shamrock on top of the van for luck. It didn't work. Two things bumped into us in less than 24 hours.
Taylor we should put these on Mias cars. I think they might help her from hitting things.
Sounds good.
Are we done here? I am ready to go Christian. A car drives up and the driver opens the door and it's Thomas Sawyer here to pick us up. He smiles big at me and opens the door for me. He goes and gets my things from the limo. Good thing Christian didn't see that smile. He is too busy chatting with the girl and Taylor to notice anything at all.
I tell them my van is drivable, but Taylor's boss insisted that he would make sure it got fixed. I told him to point out the damage.
Well the back is needing repaired and new bumper and paint. Come and I will show you what I mean.
Oh crap that little bump caused that much damage. Wow.
We hit you going thirty miles an hour are you sure you don't need medical attention?
I feel fine just a mild headache is all.
We need to get you to the hospital to check on your injuries.
I can't believe him, he is taking her to hospital, well I am not going with them.
The tow trucks are arriving now. You will need to give him your keys to your van. I hand her my card and tell her to call in a day or so when we get it evaluated. For now we need to get you seen.
What about you and your boss and his girlfriend?
I am okay, but we can see if Sally needs seen. Taylor are you okay?
Everything is okay so far no pains or anything else. I relaxed into the collision. Okay let me give these guys 8nstructiins and the keys and we can head out.
Wait I have left overs in there and need to get them out to bring home. I reach in for the cooler with the food in it.
The girl introduces herself to me and I grab the cooler and place it in the trunk. I peek inside and the smell of the food is amazing. Homemade food is always good.
There's some cookies left in there is you want to bring them out. They are on top in the red container.
I look to mr Grey and he nods and I bring it out. All kinds of homemade cookies. I open it up and pass them out. Sally turns her nose up at them, Christian grabs one and Taylor gets one and I take one and we all get in the  SUV. Taylor sits by me and hands me something to lay my cookie on and eats his while I make sure everyone has their seatbelts on. I drive off to Greys mothers hospital. Ana types a message to someone and they text back shortly.
My father wants to know where you are taking me.
Seattle Grace Hospital does he need directions?
Nope we know it well. Per the bumper car bumpers on my van. If my dad could he would install them on me too.
An accident waiting t happen huh?
Yep. Since day one according to my dad.
Christian I really want to go back t your apartment can she wait so we can go home and they can take her after they drop you and I off first.
I want to make sure she is alright, Sawyer can drop you off and come back and get us when he has taken you to your apartment. I will talk to you soon. Sawyer drop us at the ER and drive miss Randall home, her home. Oh wait will the food be okay in the cooler Miss Steele?
It really should be refrigerated at this stage.
Sawyer take the cooler to my place after you drop Miss Randall off and refrigerate the food. Have Ryan come and replace Taylor and you get some sleep, both of you.
Yes sir thanks and I will inform him of what he needs to do. I see Sally smiling at me. She's playing with fire and she's going to burn me.
Sawyer is about to get caught, because Christian has been suspicious for a while and that's why he isn't getting serious about Sally. He is about to set a trap and I believe this is it. I have warned Sawyer.
Something is odd and I notice how Sally is smiling but not at Christian and I see a slight shift of both Taylor and Sawyer. I watch as Christian is appearing to look at his phone, but his head might be down, but his eyes seem to be watching Sally and Sawyer. Hmmm if something is going on between them he must know about it or suspect it is.
I have noticed the smiles and the changes in both Sally and Sawyer when they are both are together in my presence. I have also noticed her unavailability to me when he is off duty. I have definitely been checked for an STD, and had everyone do a physical security wise and had them tested for an STD. All passed as clean. I had my fun, but can't trust Sally. I am going to catch her red handed now this morning. Taylor has set it up.

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