The Randalls Arrive

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I got wind of an arrest of a woman fitting Ana's mothers description and asked if I could interview her. I truly wished I hadn't. It was the woman in the restroom claiming she was Ana's mother. I tried to back out of the room, but she saw me. There is no way that woman would ever have thought about anyone but herself. She saw dollar signs when she saw me. Plus Kavanagh Media to get her a great attorney to get her out of jail. I just decided to report just what kind of woman Ana's mother really is.
George Randall
I tell Annette we are close and they have Carla and a friend of hers in jail. We are closer to getting to see our daughters murderer in jail.
Annette Randall
I hope they give her life without parole. She was heartless to kill Gemma and do that. To take Gemmas identity and change her so they believe she was her cousin dead. Then she killed the Anderson's afterwards he went from one identity to another. I just don't know how she did it, but I guess she was practiced at criminal acts.
News .....Kavanagh Media ...Front page news this reporter has found out that billionaires girl friend Ana Steele's mother was arrested for murder Carla Anderson Aka Gemma Randall. This reporter tried to get her story, but she wanted money and an attorney that could get her off all charges. So that's the kind of woman that gave birth to Miss Steele. I heard her claim to be Ana Steele's mother with my own ears.
Kate Kavanagh Media
I am very proud of my article until I get a call from my father. We are being sued by Christian Grey, Ana Steele, and Anastasia Anderson.
Did you check if this Carla person was indeed Ana's Mother before you wrote that article? They can prove that she's not Ana's mother but she's her second cousin. The danger Ana was in was from her. She wanted Ana's and Anastasias inheritance and was willing to kill to get it all. We can't print it but we have to retract and say that Carla Anderson is not Ana's real mother. You need to stop going after Ana and now. It's childish and damaging my papers reputation. Now get busy writing the retraction and the truth about this and apologize to Ana, Anastasia and Christian in the article.
Carla Anderson
I watch as a couple approaches me and sit down.
So this is why people were able mistake you and Gemma and Ana. You can easily be mistaken to each other if you don't look closely you miss the evil in your eyes, but I see the evil and so will the judge and jury. She just sits there with an evil look and smiles and says nothing.
I heard you were also going to kill a week old baby and her mother, but Anastasia got the baby to a safe home and left town. If someone hadn't alerted us to the fact it's wasn't Anastasias body in her grave and we should try to get them to exhume the body we would think our daughter was still missing. You have no conscious, she was pregnant as well. Morrison had raped her as well. So we thought he was the murderer, but he could have possibly be. I hope they give you life and your cell mates know you were willing to kill a pregnant girl, they had no idea it wasn't the right pregnant girl. Anastasia had given birth and the hospital had kept it very quiet for her safety.
Well times up, glad to meet the grieving parents. I get up and smile and walk away back to my cell. People don't understand me at all and I like it that way. My parents were told that I couldn't be helped. They all said that I would never change. One guy realized I had the conscious of a serial killer, no remorse for any of my actions. I got rid of those in my way, it started with small things and escalated to the final path was to kill them. It is how I get rid of annoying people who get in my way. One body they will never find. I bought surgical equipment for that guy, he won't rape again. I plan on getting out of this and know exactly how. I am going to make Ana and Anastasia pay for this. I was going to kill them fast, but I think I will have fun with their screams.
Guard 1
Oh God here comes that psychotic prisoner. I usually am not scared of prisoners, but she's not human. I am not the only she scares.  The other women are steering clear of her. Her cellmate ended up in the infirmary after one day. Somehow her toes were all broken. Even she didn't know how. This woman was twice Carlas size. She was treated for shock and her toes were wrapped up.
I want something done about Kate and now. Enough is enough. Carrick says he can file a lawsuit and get it retracted and an apology written. Plus have Kate prove the person in jail is your real mother.
Anastasia Anderson
I think it's time to blast Kate out of the water. She should find out more before she prints any articles, any good reporter worth her salt would check for facts not take Carlas word for anything. So I am going along with the law suit and Christian is joining it.
I can't believe this, Kate has really sunk to a new low. I had dad file a law suit for Ana, Anastasia and myself against Kavanagh Media and Kate as well.
I am smiling as I lay on my bed and fail to notice the crowd hanging around my cell. I see three women rush me and say I think you need to learn a lesson and we are going to teach you one.
Prisoner 1
Evie was a good friend of ours and you hurt her badly. I hear you are accused of killing a very pregnant girl, so I believe we need to assure justice is served. I think it's shower time and we can play drop the soap. Except you slip on the soap and get injured seriously.
Prisoner 2
I know how to make anything look like an accident. I have some long lasting bars of soap.
Prisoner 3
I am mopping up as Carla and my friends are showering, it takes all of thirty minutes to put an end to Carlas evil nature. Hell is welcoming her now. We make sure we leave no evidence and a group goes in after we go to our cells to sleep.
They drag me into the shower and tell me Evie sends her regards and she wants to know how I broke her all her toes in one action? They tell me to take everything off and step into the shower areas. The look they give me makes me do exactly as asked. I make to the water and the floor is slippery so much so I fall and hit my head. I try to get back up but I am shoved into the wall. I finally see black and then I am being dragged into hell. Flames singing my skin and the devil himself is waiting for me. He smiles as he hangs me inside a cage with nothing but flames. It hurts badly. Don't get comfortable in there I just had to meet you. He hits what looks like a remote and the flames increase and the pain is unbearable.

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