Will The Real Mother Stand Up

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Damn Kate Kavanagh writing that story. Now we have women coming out of the woodwork saying they are her mother. How the hell they got our cell phone numbers is beyond me. But I am guessing how. We finally had to change our numbers. I am not moving. When Elliott updated security he did mine as well. Gemma Randall presented herself to get the DNA sample tested. Somehow the paparazzi found out the information and appeared like a swarm on Seattle Grace Hospital. Security had their hand full that day. Who knows how they got the information that Ana was getting tested. What surprised us is that her mother brought something that would prove who the real father was. I still don't know what she's getting from all of this coming back after all this time. Until I heard who she was saying who the father was. I recalled the attack on him being in the paper and why. They took DNA samples to match with any unsolved rapes of teens in the area. It was bad, the fathers were given some time, but after everything they had mercy on the fathers and gave them probation. The man was a monster. His wealth made him think he could get away with raping his daughters friends. The victims came forward after his death. One victim had become pregnant. Well one who made it known. That baby was the only heir to his estate after his family were all killed in wreck. Because of the will and how it was written any child or children proven to be his would inherit. If his wife died as well. The attorney called soon after Ana's DNA matched his and Gemmas. Phillip Morrison was very wealthy and a no such a nice guy. He was a suspect in the murder of Carla Anderson the daughter of the home owners of my current home. What we didn't know is that the woman who said she was Ana's mother wasn't the persons who took the DNA test. The real mother made the appointment. There was no doubt it was Ana's mother. The one incident made us think the woman laying on the floor after tripping on her own two feet.  She looked up and it was like looking at Ana's future face.
Anastasia Anderson
I of course tripped over my own feet when I finally see Dr Grace Trevelyn.  Carla has been lying to me all these years. After reading the story I decided to take the car and make this appointment. Her and the drunk of hers were fighting about it, so I got curious. I couldn't get hold of Christian Grey, so I checked things and then I saw the appointment card for the DNA test. I can't figure out how she thought she could fool them by doing this test. Carla tried the same thing to my parents estate. I think she killed them. She found out about Ana when the photo of her with Christian Grey came out. I finally am up on my feet and introduce myself as Ana's real mother and we need to get this done now. I hand them the test results from my test when Ana was born proving her fathers DNA from the rape kit and his other rape victims kits. There's a reason I haven't approached Ana. We need Carla my cousin behind bars. She has been trying to find me and she finally did.
I listen to Anastasia Anderson's story and the DNA and Ana's real birth certificate. Ana arrives and she looks at Anastasia Anderson confused. The woman in the restroom had short hair this has long hair. We rush her into a private office her security is inside and outside the office.  Christian enters and looks very confused when he sees the women that except for the age difference could pass for twins.
Wow, you aren't the woman from the charity are you?
Anastasia Anderson
No, that was my scheming cousin. You have this attorney contact you about her fathers estate. Make sure he and my cousin aren't working together on this. I couldn't get to him, because my cousin was watching. I couldn't miss this test. Ana I have no idea what my cousin has told you, but my parents, a good friend of mine, my rapist and his family were all killed. She set up my rapist and the scene so the fathers were tipped off and caught him raping two young classmates of his daughters. She is. Who you need to be afraid of. As a matter of fact I have to leave town until she and the people who are helping her are put behind bars. Her car is in the lot. Have the cops look at it. Here are the keys. It's in my name. Since Carla is wanted by the cops. But that bag there has everything you need to claim your inheritance. You deserve at least that from that scumbag father of yours. Do with it as you wish.
I pick it up and hand mom all the medical files.
Omg okay can we still take the DNA test to reaffirm you are her real mother?
Anastasia Anderson
By all means. Here this is your hospital bracelet, I had to keep something from you. This I could hide easily. If you need to find me call this number and they will get in touch with me. Can you get me to a safe place after this test. I am using the name Catherine Johnson. I can hide easily in a big city. A cousin who died in birth, my aunt gave me her ID after she heard the story and saw the newspapers. Carla had no idea mom had a sister. She was a schemer from birth. Mom kept us far from each other. I ask Ana if I can give her a hug and wish her to stay safe. We hug and I tell her I love her and Ray was the right choice. I shake his and Christians hand.
Wait here is my number if you need anything at all. I have no doubt at all you are Ana's real mother. Let's get you out of here. Taylor
We can use gurney and a sheet. Go get into scrubs Ryan. Grace tell him where to find these things. I want her escorted to safety, a place where she will be safe. Call for Sawyer to do backup.
Okay will do.
This story just keeps getting better, dad was very concerned at what I am doing to Ana though. I told she ended our friendship, so she's fair game.
Kate, Christian Grey has already demanded the stories you are writing be stopped. I agree with him. Why are you doing this to Ana? If it is revenge cut it out now.
You don't believe her being Morrison's child is newsworthy. Plus she will inherit his estate and is his only heir.
I am hostage in my entire home because of Kate and her story on the front page of the paper her family owns. Somehow she also got the DNA results proving who my mother and father truly are. I have a loaded gun by my bed and there are people wanting to hurt me because my father hurt them and their families. So I am like a hermit now. Christian wants me to move in with him.Dad said I would be safer there than here. So I finally agreed. He got me out of here and to his house on the sound. I can breathe and he brought some of my friends over to see me.
Taylor I want a full investigation of Gemma from birth to death get photos as well. I also want information on the murder victim Carla Anderson. Something is wrong here and it has to be about that inheritance.
I think we need to get to the bottom of all of this. Ana deserves it. Kate isn't paying heed to her fathers warnings sir.
I saw that. Ana has had her gun loaded by her bed every night. She wears a holster after all the death threats against her. The attorney seems very slimy if you ask me he hopes something happens to Ana. What would he get out of it? We need to get a look at that will that her father filed with the courts. Her attorney can get a copy for her and us. I want to know what and why Gemma thinks Ana's in real danger of being killed.

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