Basketball Buddies

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Good looks. They drive normal people absolutely insane with greed and possessiveness. In general, true beauty is the most desirable thing a person can think of. August Knight however, was not normal in the slightest. She was huge, she was curvy, and she was beautiful. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that August Knight was the most attractive person in the school. August Knight? If anything, she was impossibly good looking.

"So, where do I sit?" She asked. The teacher glanced at the seating chart, not even bothering to look at her.

"Last row from the left, second seat from the window." He groaned.

As she walked to her seat, the students began to observe her.

"Look at her legs," one exclaimed. "They are so long!"

"What about her blonde hair?" A snooty girl brought up, hoping to say something mean.

"Yeah, I know, right? It looks completely natural, and really silky!"

One of the girls smacked a guy who was gawking at August's chest.

"Stop staring," she began. "It's rude."

"It's not like I can help it! They're just so perfect..." He made groping actions with his hands. The girl just scoffed and turned towards August, who was staring longingly out the window. She listened in on some of the conversations around her. The guys at her school seemed to be douchebags, and the girls were basically pushovers. Truth be told, August disliked Japan, but she was smart enough to know that she might not see her own mother again, and decided that she going to live like a normal person. It's not like August could move to another country if she screwed herself over. She was staying in Japan for good. Then the thought hit her... Wasn't she manager of the basketball club now? She didn't even know how to play basketball! August sighed. She would have to go to the gym after school to quit.

After class, August made her way to P.E., and walked inside.

"Hey, Riko," She called.

"Oh! Hello August!" Riko called out, inspecting some shirtless guy. This surprised August, but she decided to play it cool.

"I didn't know that you were running a strip club in here!" August chuckled.

"I needed them to take off their shirts so that I could get a good look at their stats," Riko said in the calmest voice possible. "If this makes you uncomfortable, you can wait outside until I'm done."

"No, no," August insisted. "It's fine. I just really need to tell you something before you officially decide to make me manager of the team,"

"Yeah?" Riko asked, analyzing someone's abbs.

"I've never heard of basketball in my entire life. Never played it, never seen it. I've never even touched a basketball for that matter."

"That's fine."

"Okay, cool then."

"WHAT THE HELL," Kagami screeched, grabbing August by the shoulders. She stared at him in silence as he roared his passion of basketball. "Have you been living under a rock all your life!? If you can't play, then leave!" he screamed at a pissed August.

"Excuse me," she defended, clenching her fist. August grabbed hold of his shirt, and looked him in the eye. "Why? Do I look like a motherfucking hermit to you?"

Kagami paused. A girl had never spoken that way to him before. He didn't know what to do. Suddenly Riko blew her whistle.

"Twenty laps, both of you!" She commanded.

"What? Why me?" August asked. Riko smiled and let the whistle fall against her neck.

"Because you're going to learn how to play basketball."

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