chapter one

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'why am i always hit on by the boys i never like'

dove woke up to the sound of her incredibly loud alarm clock.

she glanced across to her cheer uniform, folded neatly on a chair.

"not on the first day." she told herself.

most the other cheerleaders wore their uniforms every single day, despite not having practice as often.

it wasn't a rule though, they didn't even have to wear it on practice days, they could just bring it and get changed.

she got out of her bed, turned on the lamp on her bedside table and walked over to her closet.

she picked out a green plaid skirt, a basic white tank top and a green cardigan to go over the top.

she then grabbed a pair of socks from her dresser which went to about half way up her calves.

finally, she got changed into these clothes out of her pyjamas.

once she was done changing, she heard her phone vibrating on her bedside table.

she walked over to it and saw a message from her close friend emma.

emma 🎉
do you want a ride to school?

dove 🕊
you got a car?

emma 🎉
my dad's letting me use his because he works from home now

dove 🕊
wow, okay

emma 🎉
i'll come get you at eight

dove 🕊

emma had practically adopted dove when she joined in freshman year. emma was a sophomore at the time, so she taught her everything she needed to know about high school life.

dove put her phone back down and went through to her kitchen.

"morning mom." she smiled.

"morning doll, do you want some protein pancakes?" her mom asked.

"that'd be great, thank you." dove smiled.

"are you excited for the first day?" her mom questioned, while flipping a pancake.

"i guess so." she replied.

"honey, i know the boys are completes assholes, but you can't let them ruin your high school experience, okay?" the woman told her.

"i know, it'd just be a lot better if they all mysteriously disappeared." dove muttered, making her mom laugh a little.

not long later, she was sat at the dining table with a plate of pancakes and fruit in front of her.

as she began eating, another person stumbled into the kitchen.

"afternoon charlie." her mom joked.

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