chapter five

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'get your hands off my hips, or i'll punch you in the lips'

when dove arrived at the party, she felt a bit overwhelmed.

there were loads of people and she didn't know any of them that well.

she went to the kitchen and got herself a cup of some type of alcohol and drank it.

it didn't taste very good.

after a while of still being alone, she refilled her cup with the mystery alcohol and drank it all again.

it didn't taste any better.

she decided to stop there, not wanting to drink too much.

it tasted pretty strong to her.

then she went and danced with some of the cheer girls, she could feel the alcohol kicking in a little bit.

then she saw mitchell, walking towards her.

"fuck you." she said to him, a little bit tipsy.

"have you been drinking?" he asked her, with a smirk.

"only a little bit." she replied. "just a teensie bit."

"hey dove!" somebody yelled, it was lucy.

"i will see you later, cock face." she waved at mitchell.

"i love your dress." lucy smiled.

"you too." dove replied.

"i'm not wearing a dress." lucy said, confused, as she began leading the girl up the stairs. "i'm gonna grab you some water, while you sit in here with kiera and amaya." she opened a door and pushed dove inside.

"this man cave is highly underwhelming." dove sighed, before sitting on the floor with her legs straight out in front of her, tapping her feet together.

after a few minutes, lucy came back with some water and sent kiera and amaya to find the other girls she needed.

"drink this, come on." lucy encouraged her.

dove drank it and smiled.

soon enough, kiera and amaya returned with kaitlynn and cj. then they went to find claudia and vivian.

once they arrived it was time.

"good. you found 'em." lucy said, as the girls returned.

"what the hell is this room?" amaya laughed, finally taking it in.

"i think it's a man cave." kiera replied.

"yeah, i feel harassed just by being in here." cj commented.

"amaya lock the door." kiera instructed her.

"okay so, who's moxie?" kiera asked.

"yeah, who wrote it?" amaya asked. "we want the who, what, where and why."

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