chapter two

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'i don't want to be a priss, i'm just trying to be polite'

dove's cheer practice went well, very well. they practiced stunts and started brainstorming for the pep rally.

afterwards, they did their usual cool down stretches in the girl's changing rooms, then most of the girls left.

dove and a few others were in there changing, when mitchell walked in, nobody even spotted him.

it was a normal occurrence on his part.

"bye dove!" two of the girls smiled, as they left.

then it was just dove and mitchell. she took off her the top of her cheer uniform and he was hiding around the corner of the lockers, watching.

he went over to her.

"you're so beautiful." he mumbled. she gasped, not knowing he was there.

"you shouldn't be in here." dove said, scared of what he would do.

she used her arms to cover herself as much as she could.

"nobody's gonna come in." he smirked.

"mitchell you need to leave." she argued, with a shaky voice, her palms were sweating.

"don't worry about it." he smirked, pushing her up against the lockers. he pressed his lips into hers and she felt a tear slip down her cheek.

he put one hand on her waist and the other cupped her cheek as he continued to kiss her.

he stopped to take a breath. "mitchell stop." she cried, he ignored her.

he tried to slip his tongue into her mouth but she held it firmly shut.

his moved his hand onto her boob as he started kissing down her neck.

"mitchell stop." she repeated, but he didn't. he began leaving hickeys down her neck, which only made her cry all the more.

she tried to push him off, but he held her arms against the lockers as a result.

he continued down her neck towards her collarbone, still leaving hickeys and stopped right above her boobs.

he looked up at her with a smirk.

"mitchell please don't." she muttered. "please."

he kissed her again on the lips, then stepped backwards.

"see you tomorrow babe." he smirked, taking a final look at her, before leaving.

she stood still for a while, in total shock. tears still poured down her cheeks.

after a few minutes, she wiped them from her face and finished changing, adding a hoodie she kept in her locker over the top of her previous outfit.

she then grabbed makeup wipe and removed all her smudged makeup.

she got her bag out of her locker and checked her phone.

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