chapter eight

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'take a hint take a hint'

the next day, when dove arrived at school, it was magical.

there were posters with kiera's face on them all over the hallways.

"vote for kiera!" lucy joked, passing her a pile of fliers. "can you pass these out for me? maybe put some around school."

"sure!" dove laughed.

so she did, dove gave out loads of fliers during the day.

at lunch, the group felt very proud of their efforts.

as they were sat down eating, claudia approached.

"you're welcome." she said, holding up a pile of posters. "i caught shelly trying to your guys' posters down because you never officially registered moxie in the office. so, i did. moxie is now officially a school club and gets access to elite privileges, such as hanging stuff on walls."

"we might just also have to learn how to play chess." she added. "you guys have been busting your asses, and it would be lame for a technicality to ruin it."

vivian got up and hugged her while the others celebrated.

"i think kiera might actually be able to win." claudia told them, as she joined them sitting down.

"i know!" dove smiled.

"oh no, she's winning this." lucy protested. "i think the only people who are actually gonna vote for mitchell are the dirtbags of rockport high."

everybody agreed.

"we got this, ladies!" lucy smiled. "look, we need to celebrate."

everybody laughed and agreed.

"i have somewhere we can go." claudia smiled.

so after school, they all met at the location claudia told them.

"kiera you're going to smash this!" dove told the girl.

"hey!" lucy yelled, to get everybody's attention. "listen up. we're here to celebrate the end of the mediocre white dude's chokehold on success."

"yeah!" one of the elderly women yelled.

"yeah, helen! i see you!" lucy smiled. "girls to the front."

"kiera is gonna win this thing tomorrow. so tonight we celebrate how far we've come." lucy said over cheers. "so let's give it up for the youngest members of the revolution, from the rockport middle school, the linda linda's! for girls everywhere!"

"for girls everywhere!" they all cheered.

the linda linda's started to play and everybody jumped along to the beat and began dancing.

kaitlynn and cj grabbed dove's hands and they danced as a three.

kiera joined them as they sung along and cheered.

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