[5] Storm Brewing

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"So, to make it up for it, (Y/n), you're coming with me to the Cathedral!" Venti cheers.

You ask why and he explains that he has a plan. It involves Mondstadt's special ceremonial harp "Holy Lyre der Himmel" at the Cathedral. He plans to play the Lyre to help soothe Dvalin from himself.

--Timeskip to Mondstadt Cathedral--

Looking up the Cathedral once more, it really reminded you of the wonderful structures back in Terra. It was quite interesting to see this world mimic otherworldly styles. Nonetheless, you focus back on your mission with Venti.

The three of you entered the Cathedral, walking through the church floor - feeling the sunrays through the glass windows. Venti was the first to approach a sister.

'It feels weird to witness a cutscene second-hand.' you think.

Venti comes up and happily greets the Sister, asking to borrow the Holy Lyre as a means to help Dvalin. Unfortunately, the sister outright denies him and claims that not even Barbatos himself would forgive Dvalin.

'Ironic. This situation hits different once you're aware who Venti actually is.'

"Uah... Please, I beg of you!" Venti pleads.

"I'm afraid not, little bard."

"Then... I guess I'm left with no other choice. I cannot hide anymore!" Venti boldly declares.

'Oh my Archon, I hope he's not actually gonna do it.' you sweatdrop.

Venti places his hands on his hips, grinning with determination. "My disciples, rejoice! Behold, the God of Anemo, Barbatos has descended!"

'He's actually doing it. I can't believe this. Wait, I should intervene soon.'

To save that bard from making a fooling himself, you immediately joined him.

"He is Lord Barbatos himself, Guardian of Mondstadt!" You played along and went down on one knee, gesturing your arms to him. "Rex Lapis quivers before him!" you say dramatically.

The bard smiles cockily at your participation. "Shocked, aren't you? Don't you just want to cry out and rejoice? How does it feel to finally meet the god you've been serving?"

The sister only stands there, looking at you in particular, in perplexity.

'Please be convinced, please be convinced, please be-'

"If there's nothing else, I'll be going back to handle the Cathedral's paperwork now." The Sister states nonchalantly before walking off, leaving you and Venti behind.

"Wait!--" Venti calls out.

You place a hand on his shoulder, shaking your head. "I believe that's enough now."

"Eh, she didn't even bat an eyelid! But I have at least learned what I wanted to know." Venti smiles, "She didn't deny that the Cathedral is enshrining the Holy Lyre."

The bard went on and asked you to try and convince the sister yourself, but she also declines you despite being the Honorary Knight - considering you don't have written permit from the Knights of Favonius.

"It didn't work... I knew it." Venti mumbles in disappointment.

"You 'knew it'?" Paimon asks.

"I just wanted to know how influential (Y/n) - the hotshot of the Knights of Favonius is. You see, the best warrior should always be presented with the best sword, yet here we are." Venti says. "Does the story not make for a fitting ballad?"

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