[10] The Meet

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"Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Zhongli."

You take a sip from the served cup of tea, taking a glance at Zhongli every now and then.

"He is a consultant to an organization known as Wangsheng... and a trusted associate of the Fatui..." Childe continues to talk about Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's line of work, them understanding when discretion is needed.

'...Zhongli. He is a character who appears in the Liyue Arc often. While he acted like a normal human in the beginning, he reveals to be Rex Lapis later. Until the end, no one knew he's the one who arranged the whole ordeal that went down in Liyue.'

"...And we, the Fatui, have always been glad to do business with friends who walk in the shadows." Childe finishes.

"W-Walk in the shadows...?" Paimon shivers in fear.

You silently chuckle at her misdirected fear. It was amusing to see the tiny fairy be afraid in one's presence. Reminds you of when your siblings had little fears from when they were younger.

Zhongli shifts his gaze to you. "It is an honor to meet you. I have heard tell of you from Mondstadt."

Paimon freaks out at the man's deep voice, meanwhile you try to signal her to calm down.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Zhongli." You maintain a friendly smile. "I haven't met anyone outside of Mondstadt who've recognized some of my achievements... It's a surprise but a welcome one for sure."

"With one's achievements as admirable as yours, I believe it's fact to be worthy of praise. I find your story somewhat fascinating."

You halt on sipping your tea, theatrically facing him with a stunned expression. After a few seconds, you flash a jovial grin.

'Someone outside Mondstadt called my achievements admirable... and fascinating...?' a content smile rests on your face. 'That's... That's very delightful.'

"Thank you, I appreciate it. Now, Childe mentioned that you work in Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Does that mean you prepare for people's departures?"

"Indeed, it is as you have guessed." Zhongli says, whilst Paimon gasps in the background. "The Wangsheng Funeral organizes burials. We ensure that those who pass on do so in peace."

Your companion raises a brow at that - Childe laughs and clears up her confusion. "In any case, I brought you to meet Mr. Zhongli because..."

"Because I can bring you to see Rex Lapis' vessel." Zhongli stated. He elaborates a bit regarding Rex Lapis background before continuing.

"In years past, Liyue's tradition was that a huge memorial service be held to mark the passing of every adeptus. But this time, the Qixing have made no attempt whatsoever to respect this tradition. It is sacrilege."

"Well, they do have to solve a 'murder of a God' to deal with." You reply.

"Yeah, the killer hasn't even been caught yet." Paimon adds.

"Deicide or not, the concern of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is this: When the ritual to receive this God so kingly, it is all the more egregious for his final send-off to go unattended to."

'How unfortunate. If only Rex Lapis would've descended instead of dying this year, then no one would have to panic.'

"(Y/n), Childe has told me a lot about you. Since you have had dealings with the Anemo Archon, could I ask you to help me prepare the Geo Archon's last rites?"

Pretending to be in deep thought, you hum. "Well, that implies that we'll be paying our respects to the late Archon. Does that mean his funeral is the only time we'll see him in person?"

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