[13] Revelations

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"We need to head over to the Golden house now."

Running towards the Golden house, you arrive and enter the gigantic building. The spacious golden place was enough to surprise your friends in awe.

"Wow... this is the Golden house?" Paimon gushes over the piles of mora stored inside.

Diluc turns his head. "I'd advise you to not touch a single mora, or else we might be done for. After all, this is practically Teyvat's world bank."

Then you add. "And even if it were that easy, this place would've been emptied a long time ago."

"Ooh, so it's a trap. Tricky, tricky... Good thing Paimon's got you here!" she grins at the gold. "But even if we can't take any, we can still have a closer look, right?"

Venti smiles. "Or even better, we can fall asleep on the mountains of mora in here."

"This is our first time entering a large bank together, and it has so much mora. If only we could borrow someone's very nice wallet." Kaeya sighs jokingly, then looks at you.

Diluc waves him off. "No, you're not going to 'borrow' her wallet, you've drained it quite enough for today."

"Seems like Mr. Rich person can't handle a joke." he remarks.

"Keep speaking and I'll cut you off from our team's mora."


You raise a hand. "Wait, hold on everyone."

"Yes ma'am." The brothers said simultaneously, then they glare at each other.

You halt, "It's eeriely silent here."

Observing the dragon body of Morax, you look around. "Something doesn't feel right here. We should check the Exuvia first."

Paimon nods. "Oh, right! Back to business!"

All your footsteps quietly echoes within the Golden house, an indication that you're the only people inside. Paimon pauses, then looks at the floor with unconscious bodies.

"Huh!? Guys, look! What happened here?" she exclaims.

You stare at the bodies, wide-eyed. "The Millelith have been knocked unconscious."

Kaeya leans down one knee, quietly inspecting the bodies. "Whoever has done this really did a number on them." he stands back up.

"Ehe, is it just me or do I feel the air growing cold around us.." Venti scratches his head nervously.

Diluc crosses his arms. "It's not just you, there's definitely someone who was behind all of this." He turns to you. "Have you gotten any idea who it might be?"

"I have, yes." You glance at Morax's dragon body, recalling scenes from Childe's boss fight. "But my answer might no longer be a surprise after this."

Your tiny companion panics. "Well, whoever it is, we need to check up on the Exuvia, quick!"

As your friends approach the Exuvia, you held back Kaeya to whisper something to him. After that, he nods and you both head to the others.

Looking up at the held up body of Morax, it's larger up close.

"So this is what the mighty Rex Lapis looks like up close." The red-head comments.

Kaeya sighs. "A shame we only got to see him when he departed from this world."

"Wow, he looks pretty dead.." Venti mumbles, placing his hands on his hips.

"Venti.." Paimon says sadly, feeling pity for him to see his fellow Archon's corpse.

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