[9] Harbinger of News

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Right after you set out the signal, every one of your friends split through separate directions. Their forms slowly recede from view. Hopefully they manage to escape in one piece.

You turn around and analyze the terrain before running off towards the entrance.

Paimon follows close behind. "Oh no... (Y/n), there's a whole bunch of soldiers out there too! Your identity... You may not be the killer, but we can't let them get to you!"

Taking a swift turn from the stone pathway, you climb and jump through the rocky steeps and roofs of the houses. Carefully avoiding the eyes of the Millelith, you slide down the stone hills.

You land towards the familiar stone stairs. Still feeling high adrenaline from the chase, you immediately sprint as soon as you land on the ground. Then you heard frantic footsteps arrive your way.

Taking a sharp breath, you ready your stance.

"Gliding safety laws prepare to be ignored!"

You leap forward to extend your glider, tilting towards a wooden bridge over a pond in the city. Unfortunately, there were some people standing there, but you weren't going to risk getting caught.

You crash onto the ground floor and quickly stand up. Turning around to check, you see the guards were still after you.

"Hey Lady, hold still."

A swift breeze whooshes past you. A blur of orange-hair with a red mask whizzes beside you and you heard hydro arrow shots being fired. A sense of deja vu from the situation shocks you.

Ignoring the feeling, you sprint away from the scene and hide below a tall house's stairs. You catch your breath and laid your arm against the stairs, Paimon panting alongside you.

"Hah... Phew... Paimon's exhausted..." she huffs.

"I'm even more beat, I just crashed for the second time while gliding... Wait, just what muscles does magical floating used exactly?" you look at her.

She goes up in your face, angry. "So insensitive! You have no idea just how tiring floating aroun--- Wait!" she hears footsteps and turns around - and you did too.

Halting before you was a orange-haired man who saved you earlier. Taking a quick glance at the person's face - you were met with a familiar Harbinger. The word anxious was now an understatement.

You gulp down, then lifted up your gaze.

'Red Fatui mask. Short orange hair. Dull blue eyes. Grey jacket with hella details. Red Scarf. Grey pants. Black boots. Hydro Vision. Faux friendly smile..'

'There is no doubt about it...'

'It's literally Childe.'

Your companion floats away from you. Eyeing the Harbinger with confusion, she places her hands on her hips.

"Wait... Just who are you exactly?" she asks.

"Call me Childe." The Harbinger introduces.

Paimon looks unimpressed. "Childe? What, so we're supposed to dote on you?"

Childe chuckles. "Haha, no no, not at all. It's an alias of sorts. In Mondstadt, I don't suppose you came across a 'Signora' by any chance?"

At this point you already connect the pieces. Despite the tempting offer to run away, you remain calm and glance at the Harbinger. You slide your sword back in it's sheathe.

"Signora... Childe..." Paimon gasps. "You're Fatui! One of the Harbingers!"

"Oh, no. Don't worry, I'm not looking for a fight."

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